Paranoid - some curling and stretching?

The V Ape

Hello all,

Noob here, on the first grow of 5 feminized AK47 plants. I *think* I have some stretching going on based on what I read here. I am going to replant as noted in the noob section when I move to larger pots on the weekend. However, the leaves seem really droopy and kind of curled inwards. From what I read this could be over watering, too much heat or too much light.

Seeds germinated and popped into seedlings on Nov 27th, so I guess this is day 9 or 10 of veg. Growing in Promix BX.

I have a 90W UFO LED light + 2 42 W CFLs. Thinking that its too much at this stage, I killed the CFLs for now to see if there is a difference and set the LEDs up to about the 12" mark.

Miracle Grow All Purpose (gasp!) nutes given only once at 15% recommended dosage for a gallon of water that I stirred up really good and then just watered to saturation the dry promix. Maybe used 2 cups out of the gallon. This was done on day 5. Watered with plain water yesterday. Perhaps I added nutrients too early? All the grow guides and posts leave me questioning what is best. I was going to adopt fertilizing every water but only 10%-15% of the recommended dosage. But now I am not sure.

Not much else to tell, the lights are now on 18/6 (first 5 days at 16/8). I have a small fan and inline fan that run on a random timer so air flow should be good and the fan makes the saplings dance, not bend over. At max they are on 40mins/hr. At least they are on 20mins/hr.

Apologize for the pictures, I am as good at photography as I am at growing ;)

Any thoughts or pointers? Being too overconcerned at this stage of the game?





Well-Known Member
yes you are paranoid...

Just water them a little less(let the soil actually dry out)...and get a small fan blowing in there to have them sway a little bit in the breeze and you should be fine ;)

The V Ape

Thanks Massah. I have the fan blowing, just not constantly as noted max 40mins/hr and min 20mins/hr (being on a random timer).

I have been trying to let the promix get dried out completely, but I am wondering if that isn't the case. 3 waterings in 10 days seemed high to me. Will let them go a day after I think I should water them just to be sure...or time to buy a water meter.


Well-Known Member
oh ah sorry missed the fan part in your post...

Couple of things to note...wrap the outside of those clear containers with something...the light hitting the sides and penetrating slightly will retard root development...did you cut holes in the bottom of it? Usually cups that small dry out within a day...they don't need nutrients yet as the cotyledons are still there and green...

but again...stop being paranoid and overanalyzing things...they look fine ;)

The V Ape

Yeah, i cut holes in the sides and the bottoms so they drain. I am going to move them to dark green containers that are about 3 times the size on the weekend or maybe in a few days before they end up in their final resting place of 3 gallon pails.

I think you may be right about the clear plastic, as the center plant that is being blocked by the other ones is by far the largest sappling.

Thanks for your responses.

The V Ape

Ok, I repotted these in larger pots and I think that was my problem. Look at the amount of roots that were in those little cups!

Less than 24 hours later look at how happy this plant now looks in its new home:


Far cry from the wilted mess they were a day ago.

Thanks for setting me on the right path.