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  1. R

    Need Help, Yellow Leaves?

    i didnt read up on nutes yet but what do you guys recommend?
  2. R

    Need Help, Yellow Leaves?

    yeah they popped out on july 4th, i just repot them yesterday because they were still in plastic drinking cups.
  3. R

    Need Help, Yellow Leaves?

    Hey watsup, not sure why my leaves are turning yellow. using fox farms ocean forest. i didnt add any nutes as of yet.
  4. R

    Nute Burn or Light Burn? Ocean Forest Soil

    yeah i mean im not using any nutes for now, just the nutes that came in with the soil is strong. because i originally went to get the fox farms light armor but the guy at the store said best to go with the ocean forest.
  5. R

    Nute Burn or Light Burn? Ocean Forest Soil

    hey watsup, having a little trouble with a few of my plants, not sure if its nute burn since i heard this soild is pretty strong and i changed my plants soil from miracle grow to this when they were about 1 inch tall. most of them are ok but about 6 are struggling from this burn. is this...
  6. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    their is acually a video on youtube comparing the 2.
  7. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    i gotta say if anyone is doing their first grow and used miracle grow moisture control like me fear not you still have time to switch. these r my plants with miracle grow moisture control, going to change them to fox farms ocean forest tonight.
  8. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    yeah i actually found a hydroponics store couple miles from my house, i asked for fox farms light warrior but the guy told me since my plants r like 2 inches already its best to use the fox farms ocean forest.
  9. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    sounds good
  10. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    is der a difference between the warrior soil-less mix and the warrior agro ponic?
  11. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    problem is i dont got nothing local. i need to order from amazon. if i had a hydroponics store next to me id be there now busting his balls with all this soil questions lol. this Roots Organics soil? will that be good enough for the next 6 weeks?
  12. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    sounds awesome, will give that a shot. But still stuck in choosing the soil for this growth stage since tga dont deliver to nyc. any ofther suggestions?
  13. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    yeah but tga vendors are limited areas. cant find any site that sells it.
  14. R

    20 SuperPonic System or 6 Site BubbleFlow Bucket SuperPonic System?

    Hello, Has anyone used any of the system?, not sure which system will generate more bud. thanks.
  15. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    what a good potting soil to use? im planing to order thru the internet?
  16. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    what soil you used?
  17. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    yeah i was reading up something like 40% Potting soil. 30% Perlite. 20% Top soil. 10% Sand.
  18. R

    Choosing the best soil for early stage?

    Trying to get the best soil mix for my 4 day old plants. i didnt have a huge selection when i planted the seeds so i used miracle grow moisture control, but soon i will have to replant them to bigger pots and i want to use the right soil. any suggestions?
  19. R

    Need advice for CFL type

    what brand bulb you use
  20. R

    Need advice for CFL type

    thats insane!.