Nute Burn or Light Burn? Ocean Forest Soil


hey watsup, having a little trouble with a few of my plants, not sure if its nute burn since i heard this soild is pretty strong and i changed my plants soil from miracle grow to this when they were about 1 inch tall. most of them are ok but about 6 are struggling from this burn. is this something that is going to go away or should i dump them? thanks

6L6A0412.jpg thats the burn

6L6A0421.jpg thats the the grow room for now till i get my tent.

6L6A0417.jpg 6L6A0369.jpg 6L6A0367.jpgand this is the healthy one. going to re-pot them tomorrow.



Active Member
The leaves that are burnt won't recover but if your sparing with your feed new growth will be fine. Never used MG but have heard its not the best for MJ. From the size of them they shouldn't need any more feed till the embryo leaves are gone and then a very low dose. I would say they'll recover.


yeah i mean im not using any nutes for now, just the nutes that came in with the soil is strong. because i originally went to get the fox farms light armor but the guy at the store said best to go with the ocean forest.