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  1. mistaropa

    My SCROG "Grow Cart" on wheels

    deleted as by popular demand :) grow grow grow
  2. mistaropa

    question about cloning

    Yeah, dude. That video series is freaking amazing. Search you tube for "How to Grow Green". It was the most informative single source about growing I have seen yet. "...and I'm superstoked cause my WW is a female too!" - my favorite part cause he is so happy.
  3. mistaropa

    Bubba Kush/Buddha's Sister Grow

    I am too lazy to go back and locate the post but I am pretty sure I saw you say something about getting better close ups. Personally I have a mediocre camera but properly using it in conjunction with a cheap magnifying (holding it in front of the camera lens with some manipulation for clarity)...
  4. mistaropa

    Harvesting...?? or give it more time?

    FDD2BLK- dude...... that has to be the most heinous avatar ever.:evil::-?:confused:
  5. mistaropa


    So I am pretty new to all of this myself but in the interest of your safety maybe don't say where you live. LOL. But damn for learning that is a ton of stuff. I personally am learning more and more everyday. But if i learned one thing thus far I think it is prudent to start cheap just so that...
  6. mistaropa

    first grow need help

    bravo, malaka!
  7. mistaropa

    Stealth delivery-nirvana

    I find it absolutely hilarious how many people are so super concerned with their "security" from law enforcement. True you are increasing your risk by posting (especially pictures) on RIU or similar websites. Buying seeds online definitely is another example of increasing ones risk of "getting...
  8. mistaropa

    500watt CFL!!!Pics(GREAT VEGGING LIGHT)

    i bet that thing won't work for growing and i bet it gets hotter than hell.
  9. mistaropa

    Adding Flavor ?

    I love the way that peels from citrus fruit smell as well. However, orange peels and the like are very moist; therefore adding them when you are trying to dry your buds would be counterproductive. On the contrary, in the past I have (not always) revived overly dry bud by placing it with peels...
  10. mistaropa

    How long can a seed live?

    In my opinion twat is not appropriate for an avatar : /. LOL
  11. mistaropa

    Smoking age

    At least you aren't all into crack and spending your time on
  12. mistaropa

    Bong Or bowl..

    Bongs are great but spliffs are my staple.
  13. mistaropa

    thelittletruck's first grow - 3 WW IN SOIL w/ CFLS

    yes you are.... <3
  14. mistaropa

    How much do you think this will produce

    if only people would be disciplined enough to keep statistics like that. LOL "....divide that by like 6...." very scientific, broham.
  15. mistaropa

    Cfl Grow/Halogen Pic

    lets just say your photo leaves something to be desired....