

Well-Known Member
I actually quit smoking weed on Halloween of 1998 (quit drinking, too and still don't) but in October of '07 I hurt my back pretty bad and started again for general pain management and stress relief. SO.....getting back into the game after like 9 years was hard.....first off, most pf my smoker friends refused to sell to me, and the ones that would can only get brick....and I refuse to smoke it. So, I decided I would be smart and grow. A few plants for me and the ol' lady, just to smoke. I am 35 and pretty successful, so I figured I could learn. Spent several weeks reading various books and forums, and last week decided to do a trial run using soil and bag seeds. Germ'ed 8 in clay the soil......3 of them being a seed from a friend that he said was from an old male of a dead friend who we knew way back.
Anyway......three sprouted..and the one from my buddies kind plants I drowned it...was watering and overpoured by accident and it shriveled. The other two, which were from a bag of mids, took off and when they got the second leaves, I transplanted them into 10" pots. I am going to grow this batch under straight flouro's, because as I said, it is about the learning.
Anyway...during the transplant I pinched the stem of one right at the soil by accident, as the soil was dry and crumbly on top. I transplanted the other just fine, and she (fingers least heshe) is doing well. After 6 days under flouros she is 6 1/2" an just starting to get her second set of serrated leaves. The other one I had to stake due to the pinch, and just knew it was going to was curled on top. But, today it grew at least 1/2" and it opened out it's leaves WIDE to the light...this was after I misted the plant itself, straight distilled H20. Anyway, the only thing is that it now has a white spot on the tip of each of the rounded leaves.....from what I have read this is not biggie, unless it spreads to other leaves. So I am going to ride it out and see. Anyway, more than anything I just wanted to introduce my long winded ass. Bobo the DeadHead from NW Arkansas. I will post periodically, maybe even pics of my fruits, if they arrive.
I ordered some seeds from 420-seeds in London. They answerred all my email and provided tele #, and the prepaid visa was charged, so we will see. They are for when I learn more.....I got a mix of 5, red shiva, big bud, white widow, and purple power. So...hope to hell I will get them.
I also am buying the following from a customer/buddy of mine who has a tractor store...he's gonna order them in for me:
a deluxe hydro hut
2 3x3 ebb and flow tables, with pumps, resevoirs, etc.
2 dozen pots
2 dozen rockwool
a dual ballast 400w
2 MH bulbs
2 HPS bulbs
reflectors, socket set, etc.
a raising and lowering system for lights(Sunray)
1 liter of each nutrient....3 bottles altogether
10 liter hydroton
a analog ppm meter
ph tester and bottle of PH up
germination station with cloning gel
dual digital timer/thermometer
sheet of rockwool germination cubes

He is selling me this for $1470. Is this fair?
I figure I will store everything except the lights until I get a few grows in on bag seeds, and learn the plant....then use the bought seeds and the hydro set-up and raise some sexy little girls. AHHHH...the dreams. But, I did have Bill order this stuff for me...and I paid for the as soon as I can, I will.
Anyway......thanks for listening. Pleased to meetcha!

exhaust fan and ducting for hydrohut and goblin filter


Active Member
So I am pretty new to all of this myself but in the interest of your safety maybe don't say where you live. LOL. But damn for learning that is a ton of stuff. I personally am learning more and more everyday. But if i learned one thing thus far I think it is prudent to start cheap just so that you dont lose too much if (god forbid) something bad happens. So wisely invest your funds, for even if you are not hurting financially, no one likes to blow cash on failure. With all this said best of luck to you and your *ladies* or if you are satisfied for less your shemales (gross).

- Mr Rope


Well-Known Member
well i didnt read your all of your post, but i did see hydro hut and let me be the first to tell you!!!!

i wouldnt take the risk of buying hydro huts. the company is recalling them due to numerous accounts of the tents gassing the plants and die in toxicity!!!!

look in a secret jardin dark room! they are sexy! and probably the most advanced grow tent out there right now! promise!

p.s. edit that post....we dont need to know where you live. trust me!


Well-Known Member
However I WAS born in NW Arkansas.....haven't been anywhere near there in 20 years..LOL. Anyway...the hydrohut my buddy is getting me is actually a Hydrofarm Habitat. I have done alot of insurance or cattle business with him. Peace and a juicy terrapin!


New Member
Seems kinda steep but if you are sure its something you totaly want to invest then do it. If you do correctly the rewards will outweigh the cost!