Harvesting...?? or give it more time?


Well-Known Member
Ok because I have two strains, I am kinda not sure if I should wait a bit more with the dwarves or not (i attached a pic of how hey look right now). I mean I was told they would be ready to harvest in mid march....so I was thinking of waiting 2 more weeks (they were germinated in the last week of november/first week of december). Just for the sake of a little more info, they are an autoflowering strain, and are not meant to grow tall at all.

Anyway any input would be awesome, everyone here is usualy so helpful, so thanks folks!



Active Member
Looks mighty nice, I say go with the 2 week idea, still look like they will be great to smoke nice job ;)


Well-Known Member
not very, since its a dwarf hahah tiny plants, like 6-7 inches tall maybe (theres 5 of them). BUT my other plants (my 2 skunks) are coming along very nicely...and they are both 20 inches tall.

SO by flushing, you mean stop using nutes, and just use pure distilled/mineral water to purify the soil right??


Well-Known Member
Wouldnt that kill my plants? like overwatering? I am assuming you mean using 3X as much water over the period of that week and not drowning at once hahah.


Active Member
No he means flush them. Take them to your sink or bathtub and run water through them. This will take all excess nutes and salts out of the soil soo when you harvest the plants don't have that nute taste.


Well-Known Member
So you mean let the water just go through the pot right? like dont actually erode the soil completely, but just run it through the pot (turning the soil essentially into mud).

Or would it be easier to just rinse out the plants, and GENTLY replant them in fresh soil?

Or will this surely hurt them due to the stress it puts upon them?


Well-Known Member
Hey I got another quick question. When you say Flush it for a week, does that mean, for an entire week, everytime I would water, I should flush?????

Cuz when you say for a week, how often during that week??? (I am planning on starting flushing this Friday or maybe even earlier).


Active Member
Give it one good flush, wait a week, then harvest.
do you know what strain you've got there? i have six week old lowryder #2s and most of them are about a foot tall.


Well-Known Member
ok, thanks man! Well its some sort of autoflowering strain called White Dwarf. (I tried finding stuff about it online, but nothing... Budda Seeds Bank Its a spanish made strain).

They are small plants, but good god they smell good (I am also growing 2 skunk plants).


Well-Known Member
and yes we mean give it 3x the amount of water that you have soil.

If they are in a 1 gallon pot, give them 3 gallons of water. You want water to be coming out of the bottom of the pot. It will not overwater them, and no do not transplant into other soil, that is a really bad idea, one that you should never think about again = X

lol good grow buddy, hope the smoke is good <3


Well-Known Member
thanks folks. I hope it'll be good too, especially wiht flushing! (and I thought transplanting WAS a bad idea, i just wanted to double check).

So flush, and then let it dry out for a week before harvest, and maybe the day before harvest, give them 24 hour darkness???