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  1. Kushnblayzin

    Ready or not?

    Looks to me like it's yet to swell but as said above only a scope will let you know for sure. Nice frosty buds though.
  2. Kushnblayzin

    White Widow, Fruit Automatic & Royal Haze first tent grow with proper equipment

    it's been a while and the plants are further along than I would have hoped for the next update but I had shit to do so better late than never right, I'm taking the pictures now.
  3. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    Peace man take it easy! You too Maphyr I'm gunnah go get ready for a new day :( haha Message me anytime. :peace:
  4. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    Don't worry about it dude I've been up nearly 48 hours :peace:
  5. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    I'll refer you to my location and remind you Tasers aren't very common here :D I'm sure there would be something I could use if I were to try it. I would say that if this were to ever surface as commonplace in the grow rooms worldwide it would be somehow implemented within the pots in some sort...
  6. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    Yeah I hear you man you would need one central pump powerful enough to reach all the pots if you were to use my idea with the caps (you do get how that would work right? it's just it's 7:40 am and I haven't slept so I'm sure I could have explained that better) you'd also need a smaller version...
  7. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    Ditto! I'd have to have a place free from other people to attempt it in case a fire starts because the wires get moist and the water tracks it to the outlet or battery.
  8. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    I'll look into it but I'd prefer to have the plants as opposed to a bunch of mechanical things to simulate nature as far as the fresh air goes. I have a filter I just don't have it up my plants are only 15 days old. Have I answered your questions? What do you think of my ideas do you think they...
  9. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    you could have the airline mounted to a stationary pump in the centre beneath the mounts for the pots and have the lines in such a configuration that would allow you to rotate 180 degrees in either direction that way rather than have it spin and get tangled it would spin and get a little...
  10. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    Fresh air can be combated a number of ways the best I've seen is to have the room your tent is in full of house plants, there are some my brother has that if you put your face within a foot of them and take a deep breath it's like walking in the open air and when you pull away again and breath...
  11. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    The low current would simulate the Earths natural frequency in which Cannabis is more at home, if you got this right the plants you grow will be much happier than most other indoor growers, a happier plant wants to throw more into looking her best, smelling her best and tasting her best to...
  12. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    I think the low lvl current would be certainly add an interesting new variation to growing and I believe that it would benefit the plant to be receiving a small pulse or current depending on the ampage of course, you wouldn't want to fry the root system nor would you want to heat up the moisture...
  13. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    haha and nor do I, I understand the theory it's just the practicality that gets me, for such a small space that is, also I have my intake powered by my 4" inline fan with the ducting sitting behind my 7" fan this gives me good circulation, I added a piece of paper and watched it go crazy before...
  14. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    I remember them but not sure what the age limit is for it dude I'm 21. Even if you had the dampners and one was longer than the other you'd still be losing some speed through the longer section as it has further to go, obviously it won't be much, but if it has to travel upwards this would also...
  15. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    It is a good idea if you'd only have to run it a short distance though man. This way not much speed would be lost.
  16. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    I had thought of that, well something not far off, I just figured it to be more hassle than putting another fan in there would. My space is large enough for an extra fan or two, however if it ever gets bigger I will be looking to conserve energy although I'd have to find a way to ensure none of...
  17. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    Alright man no worries I'll just have to give them the old strength test and bend them, if they snap don't buy 'em :eyesmoke:
  18. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    A base would ensure minimal friction between the hollow pipes and the reflective floor too, at least that's what my logic tells me.
  19. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    I'll be running a 4 plant SCROG more often than not dude it will be adjustable for when I get the Black Affie phenotype of Royal Purple Kush, I will be cloning it and doing a few one plant monster SCROGs if all goes well.
  20. Kushnblayzin

    Oscillating clip on fans

    It is a good idea to have good air flow beneath your SCROG to avoid the dense canopy holding down warmer air which will cause problems with mould and bud rot but some just have it blowing at net height and they got the same results as most I've seen.