White Widow, Fruit Automatic & Royal Haze first tent grow with proper equipment


Active Member
1376404336759.jpg1376404340451.jpgWhite Widow.jpgFruit Automatic.jpgRoyal Haze.jpg My system is a 4x4x6 grow tent, I'm using a Dual Spectrum 600w bulb coupled with a 6"air cooled Supernova hood and 6" high velocity inline fan for my outtake too, a separate 4" inline fan for my intake and a 7" dual speed oscillating fan for circulation which is on 24/7. the picture on the left is White Widow, in the middle is Fruit Automatic and on the right is Royal Haze, all of these seeds were freebies and are from Dinafem Seeds, I figured I'd run these first to get the kinks out of my system and also my techniques as I've never grown in a tent before. My temperature reading from my hygrometer which is directly under my light, as is my temperature probe from my fan, is 31.8 degrees Celsius or 89 Degrees Fahrenheit! I know this is too high but I can't for the life of me figure out how to tweak it down a little, my 6"inline fan is on full speed, my light is around a foot away from the plants, my outtake is by my window and my intake is drawn from a separate room should I reverse this to lower the temperatures? or is there something else I should do? any suggestions or solutions are welcomed, my plants are 10 days old and spent there first week on a windowsill while I got my air cooled hood and 6" fan, they seem to be doing fine even with the heat and when I had my hand where they are for around 5 minutes it wasn't uncomfortable nor was it hot!


Active Member
Nice, they're sprouted. Not sure which ones which except for the fruit. Maybe you should try bringing in the air from your window, and exhaust out into another room. Just make sure to maybe filter the stuff coming into the box if it's gonna be from the window. What's the intake feel like? Can you feel a lot of air coming through? And remember, if its warm in your house, you're just bringing in warmer air into the box. I've yet to use an MH, but I read that they run slightly hotter than the HPS. If your temps hit around 84F~ during flower, you should be ok. One thing I can def think of is try not to have too many elbows in your ducting. A good trick is take a clip and pinch your ducting together. =) Good luck.

If all else fails, maybe you can dial your ballast down a bit?


Active Member
I just thought of another way you can check whats causing the heat. Since you don't have a CF attached to your exhaust fan, turn your 7" fan off, and run your exhaust only. See if there's enough static pressure that it starts to move the oscillating fan w/o it being on. Idk if it works the same, but when I was growing I tried that out with my case fans. Sorry if that's a weird concept to grasp lol.

Another thing you can do I think is open up some passive intakes. I think most tents come with one right? Or you can try to move your fan so its in front of the intake or something along those lines so you're blowing colder air around the tent. Tbh, I can't imagine having heat problems in such a big tent with a 600w through a cool tube. What's the ambient temps?


Active Member
ambient temps are around 26/27C I have a couple things in mind to try now I will see how they do tomorrow thanks for all of your input dude! :peace:


Active Member
it's been a while and the plants are further along than I would have hoped for the next update but I had shit to do so better late than never right, I'm taking the pictures now.