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  1. Joe Pineapples

    DWC Oxypot yellowing leaves

    To be honest my first DWC the leaves started like that cos I followed the "below the basket" waterline As soon as I filled it a bit they improved Those balls look dry to me....and the roots will only be small
  2. Joe Pineapples

    DWC Oxypot yellowing leaves

    How high is your water level mate? When the plant is young it is best to have the water level over a couple of inch of the mesh pot.......and when the roots grow lower it slowly.........also try replacing half the water with fresh to reduce nute concentration. Iy looks like she is drying out...
  3. Joe Pineapples


    I wasnt bragging mate.............just wanted to know I am where I should be.............first grow..............
  4. Joe Pineapples


    Id like to know if Im doing ok or something is wrong.
  5. Joe Pineapples

    Which one

    Well...Ive germinated my blueberry..........."she" is now in soil...........will keep this journal for as long as she lives..........
  6. Joe Pineapples


    Right, Ive not posted on my Church for a while, I am 5 weeks into 12/12 now and I think they are looking good..well beter than I expected, hopefully you lot can tell me if Im doing ok or not...........please comment. cheers, Joe
  7. Joe Pineapples

    150w Hps & 156w Cfl Scrog Grow

    Id say cal def......but thats just an educated guess mate.....hope it works out fine for you
  8. Joe Pineapples

    150w Hps & 156w Cfl Scrog Grow

    :clap:Mate...those plants look as good as Ive seen, Ive learned a lot from this post....thanks.
  9. Joe Pineapples

    150w Hps & 156w Cfl Scrog Grow

    This is some damn good grow journal mate............really enjoyed the read up till now and looking forward to the conclusion....well done.
  10. Joe Pineapples

    Which one

    Blueberry it is then.
  11. Joe Pineapples

    Which one

    Hi guys, just ordered some seeds..........pineapple chunk, blueberry and nightshade......Im going to post my first grow journal............but Im not sure which one to do first........any preferences ? Joe
  12. Joe Pineapples


    Im confused a bit now...........I am flowering 2 plants on a 12/12, the other 3 are on 18/6 due to my space 2 GIRLS are showing their sex, however, one of the other 3 has also developed hairs ??? I didnt thing Church was auto.............please tell me how this has...
  13. Joe Pineapples


    Right, Im into my first week of flower on 2 of my plants.........I did 5 but they have grown bigger than expected (Church)and I cant fit them all in my room...fortunately the weather is blazing at the minute, I just wondered when its best to change the nutrients to flowering (or have I already...
  14. Joe Pineapples

    You Know You're a Stoner if....

    When you cant be arsed to turn the tv over cos you cant be arsed to get the remote.........and its in your lap..............
  15. Joe Pineapples

    Lucky Guy

    Here I was about to buy myself a new HPS lamp, already picturing the Mrs incessant whining about "why do you need more lights?" Anyway, long story short, I happened to walk out onto the shopfloor today and they are replacing all the sodium lighting in the factory for LED........which means...
  16. Joe Pineapples

    Do you think this will work ?

    Cheers for the reply mate.........Im currently running on 300W CFLs and the temp is keeping quite low.............
  17. Joe Pineapples

    Green O Matic "The Maiden Voyage"

    Jay man..........they look superb..............and Deltsy..Ive only just joined this site but your grow is fantastic mate...........Im learning every minute I spend on here and its thanks to guys like you. Cheers, Joe
  18. Joe Pineapples

    odor control problems

    So just to clarify for myself, if I make a container full of activated charcoal, connect a fan and pull the air through, I wouldn't need to vent to outside my growroom ? This sounds just what I need as its my first serious grow and as Im doing 5 plants the smell is quite noticable even tho they...
  19. Joe Pineapples


    Cheers guys, I do have one question, I found this and wondered if it would work for one maybe two plants, seems to be too cheap to me but then you never know lol Thanks,
  20. Joe Pineapples


    Yeah mate.I do like it here............pity everyone in the world wasnt on the same wavelength as us..........I think Ive found my home from home.