
Hello all.
my fisrt post and my first serious grow, I did one plant a year ago which was novel for me and TBH was possibly the best smoke I ( my pot head mate rated it a 9!) ever had, any way, this time Im doing 5 church and Im onto my 5th week, plants are about 3ft tall now and looking ok, Im using a combination of sunlight(when its nice) CFL and grolux to veg these, Ill post some pics if your interested, a few more weeks and I hope to start flowering them, Im a bit "green" about the technicalities of growing but Ive learned a lot from this site, Im not growing for selling as its purely for me even tho I give lots away its more about saving money than making it for me. I really enjoy this and hopefully Ill be doing it for a long time.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to post and teach newbies like me, it does make the world a better place,

Cheers all,



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU man. I'm Glad to see you Growing The Church, I like that strain. I was doing a plant myself but I killed it thx to water issues, Reverse Osmosis VS Tap, and no Calmag for imbalances in the RO.... you'll like it here dude, I think
Yeah mate.I do like it here............pity everyone in the world wasnt on the same wavelength as us..........I think Ive found my home from home.
Right, Im into my first week of flower on 2 of my plants.........I did 5 but they have grown bigger than expected (Church)and I cant fit them all in my room...fortunately the weather is blazing at the minute, I just wondered when its best to change the nutrients to flowering (or have I already missed it?). I thought when you see the first hairs is when you change.......please correct me if Im wrong


Im confused a bit now...........I am flowering 2 plants on a 12/12, the other 3 are on 18/6 due to my space constraints...........my 2 GIRLS are showing their sex, however, one of the other 3 has also developed hairs ??? I didnt thing Church was auto.............please tell me how this has happened.......not that Im not happy.......just goes agaisnt everything Ive read on these forums

Confused Joe
100_3574[1].jpg100_3578[1].jpg100_3573[1].jpg100_3576[1].jpgRight, Ive not posted on my Church for a while, I am 5 weeks into 12/12 now and I thin100_3578[1].jpgk they are looking good..well beter than I expected, hopefully you lot can tell me if Im doing ok or not...........please comment.

cheers, Joe100_3580[1].jpg


Active Member

my advice to newbs and even oldskoolers
STAY STEALTH and dont fucking brag about your buds!
laws dont apply to criminals even if you live in a legal state.:shock:


Active Member
fuck with my baby's
and i will be chopping your balls
or tee ties
i don't discriminate.

happy growing everyone :_)