Do you think this will work ?

Hi, Im currently into my 4th week of my first grow, Im using 4x55W CFL coolwhite supplemented by 2 18W grolux, my plants go out in the sun whenever possible and these are used to supplement this, I am wary of using HPS as the temperature would cause me a problem and Im also wary of using my loft as we do get a lot of helicopter flybys, I found this and wondered if this would be sufficient to grow a plant to flower, for the price it seems foolish not to try as if it doesnt work its only pennies, Im more concerned about wasting a plant lol. Please let me know what you guys think as Id like to grow a couple of different strains as I tend to get used to the same one and over time the effect diminishes for me. I dont sell it, I tend to give stuff away and Im groiwing just for me as I really hate handing over £50 for a tiny little bag of green that wouldnt last me 3 days lol

Cheers guys,



get yourself a 250w cfl/hps in a cooltube and a little bit of ventilation and worry about the heat no more