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  1. Joe Pineapples

    Do you think this will work ?

    Hi, Im currently into my 4th week of my first grow, Im using 4x55W CFL coolwhite supplemented by 2 18W grolux, my plants go out in the sun whenever possible and these are used to supplement this, I am wary of using HPS as the temperature would cause me a problem and Im also wary of using my loft...
  2. Joe Pineapples

    odor control problems

    Id be interested in that too........please give details if possible........would greatly appreciate that
  3. Joe Pineapples


    Hello all. my fisrt post and my first serious grow, I did one plant a year ago which was novel for me and TBH was possibly the best smoke I ( my pot head mate rated it a 9!) ever had, any way, this time Im doing 5 church and Im onto my 5th week, plants are about 3ft tall now and...