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  1. Phate


    Day 18-21
  2. Phate


    Day 11-14 We repotted her again into a 12" pot with regular Miracle Grow. Day 15-16 Day 17 We started LST on her.
  3. Phate


    Day 9 Because we didn't want her to stretch out towards the light being at the bottom of the cab, we sat her on a box in the cab closer to the light with a fan to get a little wind. Inside, next to the box is a small fan, this is so we could create some airflow that would cause movement of the...
  4. Phate


    Day 1 On the 1st of January, my wife and I found a seed in our weed. We assume it must be a girl because it came in some good ass weed. We named her Newbia and started the germination process. We wrapped her in a wet paper towel. Then wrapped that in aluminum foil and kept it in a warm dark...
  5. Phate

    First grow and super excited! What is this??????

    Interesting. What you are describing is phenotypes acting completely contradictory. Even in hybrids (which most every plant is these days) I tend to notice in my plants when they display characteristics of sativas, they grow like sativas, even when indica dom, and vice versa. I know that mostly...
  6. Phate

    lower leaves yellowing and dying

    when you water too much the roots dont spread and search and grow. The pot size was not an issue I wouldnt think. The watering "schedule" was the issue. I have let plants dry out until they are bone dry and drooping down then water them and they come right back. I mean every leaf hanging like...
  7. Phate

    First grow and super excited! What is this??????

    without knowing the genetics it is hard to answer those questions. looks sativa dominant based on leaf shape, but meh, who knows. If so then expect it to be rather tall depending on how long she vegges. Do you even know sex? Looks like you are taking care of her so just keep doing what youre...
  8. Phate

    Can I grow weed with this?

    is a 2x2x 5 tent enough to grow some good buds with a blackstar led 240 + 4x17w vert t8 flouros? Could I grow bud that is just as good, (bag appeal, smell, high, taste and all) as what I buy locally in FL for $50/8th? I mean in coco, good strains and noots, all that jazz... more pics if I gt any...
  9. Phate

    First soil grow. Showing some deficiencies

    go with two 600w hps instead of 1 1000w er... more even coverage and more light per watt.. oh and the t5s are "adequate" for full life stage lol... they are great for veg stage from what ive seen though... floro great for veg
  10. Phate

    Want to start growing, need help choosing supplies.

    if youre growing in a tent in a closet with 1000w HID you better have your cooling sorted out...
  11. Phate

    If buffet wanted his secretary to pay the same income taxes as he does...

    "Trickle down" works when everything else is working... you have to have people buying, people selling and people WORKING for anything to "trickle down" when they arent all working as a well oiled machine it just doesnt work that way. In the past decade I would have to say "trickle up" is much...
  12. Phate

    If buffet wanted his secretary to pay the same income taxes as he does...

    I like to think about all the doctors who supported cigarettes in the 70s when I think about fudging THATS classic =)
  13. Phate

    Freezer Grow (Need Help)

    hey man, im no pro but... you can tape mylar up, seems to be most common, just get it on the walls.. cfls work for some gotta keep them close and spread around the plant as it grows, much diff than a HID grow.. and 70 is a bit cool but regardless of what people say, cfls put off heat, nowhere...
  14. Phate

    All My Pictures!!!

    latest of my ladies. bagseed lst'd (first actual grow) and a blackjack, power kush and hawaiin snow, all of them 12 from seed (though that bagseed took 8 weeks to flower even at 12/12 and is about those same 8 weeks behind the others) Gotta thank RIU for anything I know about growing and yeah...
  15. Phate

    Looking to Buy a Grow Tent kit

    not sure about advising sites as Ive only had things shipped US (many internationally) but if they review well and are popular you can probably trust them to ship to you. Unless you are dead set on hydro and/or hydro stores you can get most of your supplies from companies having little to...
  16. Phate

    Help With Germination

    keep us posted, im curious. I use basically the same method (paper towel in a tupperware on top of fridge) and seeds always either pop or never do, mostly they pop. Never had the just crack and stay inside and a "greenish" color is never good unless its plant growth.. Sounds like a bad batch of...
  17. Phate

    How Not To Grow Dope

    One of the very first posts I read on RIU back when I first found the site and spent 18 on and 6 off the site for my first week of veg... Seriously... best shit ever anywhere on growing... It made me think gee, its just a fucking plant... havent killed one since. (not counting a male renegade...
  18. Phate

    Wantin To Buy Seeds

    you want pure indica, maybe an indica dominant, but prob pure indica... they are the shortest densest,strongest shortest flowering plant... and agree 100% on the seedbank... (with autos you might get abit faster but it wont be as heavy or as strong)
  19. Phate

    Grow Tent Light

    I would say the biggest risk of fire with that setup is a fan failure with lights on
  20. Phate

    Seed Germination To Seedling Question!

    asnd i been doin it wrong and 100% from a germed seed to sprout lol... but seriously thanks for the info ... never occured to me :bigjoint: + rep