Want to start growing, need help choosing supplies.


Hi there rollitup, I've been reading up on how to grow cannabis for some time now and I think I'm ready to get into the final stages. So one of the main thing I'm having a hard time with is choosing the correct supplies. I plan to be growing in my closet with dimensions 96"x66"x22" (HxLxW). I initially was going to construct a DIY grow box, but I am worried about smell, so I plan on just buying one; here's an here's an example of what I was thinking of: http://www.ebay.com/itm/4X2X4-Mylar-Hydroponics-Grow-Tent-Room-48-x24-x48-D144-/280819126106?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item41621fcf5a
I'm by no means buying that exact one, but its just for reference. So some questions with the tent itself: what wattage of lights should I use for a space like that? I plan on getting one a bit taller since my ceiling is 8ft. I plan on going the MH/HPS route.
Summary: I'm trying to price out what I need to buy, but am unsure about all the supplies I need for the grow tent. As well if you have any recommendations on where to buy things, I would appreciate it (I live in Canada).


Well-Known Member
a 600w would cover that area. you could probably get a 1000w in if you wanted..ive used htgsupply.com, but im not sure if they ship to canada.


if youre growing in a tent in a closet with 1000w HID you better have your cooling sorted out...