First grow and super excited! What is this??????


Active Member
Is this a sativa, indica, or hybrid?
how tall will it get?
It is 8-9 weeks old.
Any idea of the strain?
Sorry, first grow and super excited...
Any info or anything would be cool...



without knowing the genetics it is hard to answer those questions. looks sativa dominant based on leaf shape, but meh, who knows. If so then expect it to be rather tall depending on how long she vegges. Do you even know sex? Looks like you are taking care of her so just keep doing what youre doing and along with nature, hopefully you will get some good smoke.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, and also sativa ish to me...but really most plants are so bred together now that the lines are somewhat skewed as to what is what...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It's probably a hybrid. Knowing the shape of the leaves won't really tell you much about what the plant will be like. I have a blue cheese plant, mostly indica but has sativa looking leaves. It grows really short and flowers fast and I have a jack herer hybrid that's mostly sativa that has big old fat leaves but grows tall and flowers long.


Active Member
She has grown 10 inches in the last 16 days
34 inches tall and 26 inches wide.

Happens I guess when you switch from Miracle Grow to GH Flora Nova
Should I continue to expect to see this type of growth...?


Active Member
Ever harvest one of those blue cheese plants? Whats that smoke like? Should I expect my plant to be anything like that one?


Active Member
Also, I notice no tricome building up at all... Is that normal? We I get some later in growth? Or do some plants just not have tricomes visible to the eye?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It looks like it's still in veg state. It will flower when the days become shorter. You should check for preflowers to make sure you have a female. It will continue to grow quite large outside. There are so many variables but expect the plant to be finished in the fall. There's no way of knowing what strain yours is, you gotta buy seeds or get clones from someone reliable to know for sure.


hi ppl i just i got some autoflowering seeds and i am planning on growing them often do i have to water them?


Well-Known Member
Sure looks like sativa to me but like most are saying it's hard to tell these days with all the hybrids out there. Looking good and she will get tall I bet......good work


It's probably a hybrid. Knowing the shape of the leaves won't really tell you much about what the plant will be like. I have a blue cheese plant, mostly indica but has sativa looking leaves. It grows really short and flowers fast and I have a jack herer hybrid that's mostly sativa that has big old fat leaves but grows tall and flowers long.
Interesting. What you are describing is phenotypes acting completely contradictory. Even in hybrids (which most every plant is these days) I tend to notice in my plants when they display characteristics of sativas, they grow like sativas, even when indica dom, and vice versa. I know that mostly indicas can display sativa phenotypes and that sativa doms to have indica phenos, but to look just like a sativa and grow like an indica or vice versa... interesting.


Your plant looks nice and healthy and as said by other people above looks like sativa, i only grow and smoke indica / indica dominant strains as i find them the best for medical use so when you look at a sativa they look ALOT more thin and lanky spread out, taller and long thin leaves that are maple-like instead of the stalkier hempy leaves.

hi ppl i just i got some autoflowering seeds and i am planning on growing them often do i have to water them?
I personally wouldn't recommend growing auto-flowering strains outside, as one the main luxury's of having an auto-flower is that you can give it 23/24 hours of light per day and not have to worry about light cycles, outside light cycles are automatic so if you plant a feminized seed i think you'd be better off, also if you want to get more replies you ought to make your own thread instead of posting in someone elses.