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  1. rosegrow

    Water Before or After Move?

    So I'm moving house tomorrow and my plant needs a drink. Should I water my girl before or after the move? I am only moving 15 minutes drive away
  2. rosegrow

    New Growth or Something Else?

    Cheers buddy. This is the furthest with a plant i've got, so everything is new to me lol.
  3. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    she's grown about an inch and a half in 3 days. She was drooping yesterday but I watered her and she picked back up.
  4. rosegrow

    New Growth or Something Else?

    I think this is just new growth but I'm not sure, first person to tell me what it is gets one internet.
  5. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    Some close ups I took today.
  6. rosegrow

    Lets Give it Another Go - Afghan Kush x Yumbolt & Purple Haze

    I give mine about 18 hours before I check them
  7. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    Just a couple of recent pics Only a couple of things happened recently. One of her fan leaves touched one of the lamps and is now dry and crispy. Gutted, I didn't realise how big she was getting, but still lesson learned and grow space rearranged. Secondly, I'm moving at the end of the week...
  8. rosegrow

    Plant movement help

    Cheers buddy. I'm not moving too far so it should be ok. Can get a big box to put her in so that should be fine. lucky the hours of darkness are 9-3 lol
  9. rosegrow

    Plant movement help

    I have to move house next week and I currently have a plant in veg. I'm just after a bit of advice as to the vbest way to move the plant and what to do before and after the move. Should I keep her vegging and continue to veg for a week or so after the move to let her settle down? Should I move...
  10. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    I posted the problem with the leaves on newbie central and the general conclusion was nute burn. So i flushed my girl and added a little superthrive at the end. Got a few more pics now but I'm just going to leave her for a week or so to let her use all the water in the medium. Will update with...
  11. rosegrow

    Brown Spots On My Girls Leaves

    It was mixed with top soil half and half. I will look at getting some distilled water tomorrow and continue the watering when it is required with that. Every bit of advice I read before I started my grow said to use Spring water or to use tap water but let the chlorine evaporate before you...
  12. rosegrow

    Identifying a Problem Caught Early

    I'm having a similar problem at the minute I think mine is due to nute burn as well. back to just water for a week or two for my baby
  13. rosegrow

    Brown Spots On My Girls Leaves

    Ph is at 6.7 - 7 (depending on where i stuck the ph meter into my medium) i checked when i noticed the discolouration. I'm using John Innes mix no.2 which is one of the better readily available mediums at my disposal I use spring water or water...
  14. rosegrow

    Brown Spots On My Girls Leaves

    Is it nute burn, heat stress or a pest problem?
  15. rosegrow

    Brown Spots On My Girls Leaves

    Anybody help me out with whats happening to my plant. I was checking it today and noticed these brown marks on a few of the leaves Any ideas?
  16. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    Inspecting my plants today noticed some odd discolouration anybody give me a clue it's only on a couple of leaves is it heat stress or nute burn? I don't think it's a pest problem but your help is appreciated. Also a few pics of my ghetto grow setup for y'all to laugh at
  17. rosegrow

    Do These Look o.k? 31 day Old Autoflowers

    If you go to the grow journals there are peeps who give the plant 12/12 from seed, Might be worth asking them how they got on with that method
  18. rosegrow

    New LED Fixture Grow Journal

    This thread is relevant to my interests so i'll watch closley if you don't mind. I may be able to get my hands on an LED streetlight so i'll see how you get on growing with them before i accquire it. Are you having any issues with the heat on the back of the LED board?
  19. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    I have now managed to get the ph up to to between 6.7 - 7 depending on where you put the meter into the soil. Is it normal to have differing ph levels within your medium? Currently i've got her on a 4 day watering period alternating the feedings with the same solution in the post above. Going to...
  20. rosegrow

    Calcium and magnesium supplements

    cheers am going to have a look today to see if I can get some