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  1. rosegrow

    Calcium and magnesium supplements

    Can somebody please recommend a product to boost calcium and magnesium for my grow. Thanks
  2. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    I'm feeding baby bio at 1/3 strength with some nutri tomato feed at a quarter strenght to boost the PK numbers. Baby bio is predominantly nitrogen. I'm gonna have a look at getting some calcium and some magnesium supplements tomorrow and see if i can find ph up. The extra lights are clipped...
  3. rosegrow

    Outdoor Guerilla UK Super Auto 1st Grow

    I might give this a try, if it works in North Wales it should work on the South Coast
  4. rosegrow

    Outdoor Guerilla UK Super Auto 1st Grow

    Wherebouts in the UK are you growing?
  5. rosegrow

    Outdoor Guerilla UK Super Auto 1st Grow

    I'm gonna stick around and see how you get on with this
  6. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    the most recent pics are on the left. In the second and third pics note the leaves starting to shrivel, is this nute burn? also it's been really warm here recently so temps have been getting just over 74 which she has seemed to enjoy. Anyways any feedback advice welcome as always
  7. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    Finally got round to posting some new pics. I gave her some nutes and cut down on the watering, (thanks to thexception) and she is looking a lot healthier. Some of the leaves are starting to shrivel and I'm unsure why, so any advice is welcome. Ph was about 6 when i checked yesterday after a...
  8. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    She is about 2 and a half weeks old and i've been watering every 2 to 3 days letting it get dry about an inch into the soil before watering and watering till it drips out the bottom as all the advice i've read says to do. She is just growing in topsoil so that may be the problem. I'll add a weak...
  9. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    She did I watered her this afternoon after i took the pics
  10. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    ssorry about the quality of the pics will try and get better ones up soon
  11. rosegrow

    Bagseed Ghetto Grow. 3rd Attempt

    Well i've finally got round to starting a journal. The first 2 attempts went quite badly (too much heat). I'm growing in a cupboard I have 1 x 36w PL-L lamp and 200w of CFL. A PC fan blowing the air around and a extractor fan extracting. I have a 150w SON for flowering if I get there. temps are...
  12. rosegrow

    Indoor To Outdoor Question

    With the really warm sunny weather in the uk i was thinking about moving my plant outside to grow in the sunshine for a few hours a day and then moving it back inside later to when the sun starts to go down to finish the light cycle. Is it ok to do this?
  13. rosegrow

    Is it worth it?

    I think it is I can get regs pretty regularly but i got some £10/g stuff yesterday and it was too damp so i'm trying it. I'm trying to grow some critical (i think) at the minute just dropped the seed after germinating it into the soil this morning. Go for it at leaast you should have something...
  14. rosegrow

    PC Fans

    How do you guys wire up your PC fans? To the mains? To a battery? Just a thought
  15. rosegrow

    What Is Your Idea Of Freedom?

    Freedom is doing what you want and when you want. Things like marriage get in the way. So to be free you need to be on your own, self reliant, not owing anything to nobody. Thats freedom
  16. rosegrow

    55° f????

    I'm pretty limited for space so another CFL with relfelctor and gear would just sit on top of the one already in there
  17. rosegrow

    55° f????

    It's an autoflower speed devil i think
  18. rosegrow

    55° f????

    Is this a good or a bad thing? I think I've got a make shift solution I have a 150w SON in a flood which generates a fair bit of heat if I mount that quite high in my closet, and aim it down on the plant. I have a 36w CFL I can use quite close to the plant for the light. Will this work? ~Or...
  19. rosegrow

    55° f????

    Will my plants growwhen the ambient temperature is a constant 55°F? I live in a really old house and wstruggle to get the temps above that obviously, it will warm up some as the warmer weather gets here but i would like to know if i could get started now. Thanks
  20. rosegrow

    First Grow Blue widow

    Very nice i'm hoping my plant ends up looking that good