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  1. G

    Spectra 290 2011 LED leaf problem in Soil and DWC cabinet

    It is possible you shocked them. How long did you allow them to be under the light before removing it? LED grows can result in a cal/mag deficiency due to the nature of the lights. That's why most LED growers use CalMag (or a similar product) to offset this issue.
  2. G

    I think marriage should be between a man and a woman

    I think it’s sad how a guy on death-row, who has been denied every right a person has, including the right to live, can still get married via phone even though he will never physically touch his wife… but two law-abiding people in love cannot. That said, I recently saw a very...
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    Religious Nutt Jobz

    Shirley Phelps-Roper is the media spokesperson for Fred Phelps' church/cult, Westro Baptist Church. They are best known for protesting the funerals of soldiers with their picket signs proclaiming all type of psychotic babble. However, the whole lot of them aren't insane, proving that there is...
  4. G

    Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))

    I took a comparative picture of my Spectra 290 (2011) to add to the collection. It has 160 3w chips and draws 305w of power, 11"X17"X3". Dimming filter on the left, no filter on the right. I was about 3'-4' away.
  5. G

    Can seeds grow without germinating

    cacmal is correct. The term "germinate" just means to sprout and grow. In seed terms, this applies if the taproot emerged. Now you need to tend to them so they continue to grow and thrive. Watch your pH balance, don't overfeed with nutrients, and sing them to sleep every night... that's the...
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    Grow Tent Lighting Recommendations?

    The dwelling is old and the temps are difficult to regulate. I can't do much with the living space, so I'm relying mostly on the tent. 8 degrees would be nasty impact, especially during the summer when the room can hit 28 easily. I am looking at Spectra over the Blackstar due, in part, to the...
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    Grow Tent Lighting Recommendations?

    Hey all, So, I’m on my way to a new grow in my 2'(deep)X4'(wide)X5'(tall) tent but I’m pondering what would be the best lighting to go with. I've previously used CFLs with great results, but I'd like to 'graduate' to something that offers wider coverage for more plants and will last longer...
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    Pro-Grow 260 from hydroponicshut. Anybody with experience?

    Anybody? Still interested in them.
  9. G

    Cfl Spec for Flower

    ^ = winsauce. The reason being, the plant requires Daylight during veg, and then Soft White during flower. If you give it all Soft White it will 'stretch' just as if you planted it in shadow and it was not getting enough light. The good news is that the plant does not require a lot of Daylight...
  10. G

    Whats the best auto flower youve grown???

    The Caps Lock, because it seems to be stuck. :mrgreen: As for the marijuana... I'm not sure if I'd say it's the best I've ever grown, but it does fit what you're looking for: The often overlooked Afghan Kush Ryder is a stinky little beast to grow, but has THC at 22%+, will stone you out...
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    Pro-Grow 260 from hydroponicshut. Anybody with experience?

    Heya growers, I'm just thinking about picking up the Pro-Grow 260, from hydroponics hut. Looks too good to be true, but will it really grow up to 5 healthy plants through their whole cycle? EDIT: I'm thinking about autos, so I don't need lighting that can penetrate 3-4' or anything...
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    A “High-Time” Story (Child Friendly! My brrain on...)

    The journal link will appear in my sig when I post. Please flag this thread for delete. Tank you.
  13. G

    A “High-Time” Story (Child Friendly! My brrain on...)

    Sorry, this should be a journal entry. Will update and post soon.
  14. G

    Adding Sugar to Grow Process

    The pH I am talking about is water pH. The soil I used was already pH balanced within the range we want. Too much acidity can damage roots and stunt growth, even kill the plant in extreme cases. Too much base can have likewise adverse effects, such as by restricting the plants ability to absorb...
  15. G

    1st Grow - CFL Lighting

    Germination: Seeds tend to sprout fastest in a slightly warm, moist, dark location. I moisten a paper towel (as you have), place the seed in the middle, then seal it in a zip-lock baggie with a breath of air from my own lungs to make it slightly puffy. Then I leave it in a dresser by a...
  16. G

    Adding Sugar to Grow Process

    ^ = win, especially for autos. However, it does colour the water, so if you use a liquid-based pH testing kit, make sure to test the water beforehand. You must also be aware that black strap molasses lowers pH by about 2-3pts per tbsp/gal, depending on your base pH. Again, testing is necessary...
  17. G

    PC or MAC ???

    Actually, Mac employs several design firms to create the ultimate ‘look’ of their products. But I know what you mean. There are actually some pretty sexy looking tower cases that I had my eye on, but in the end I went with what I considered to be the most efficient. (I mean...
  18. G

    PC or MAC ???

    Your persistent overt hostility over this topic is downright comical.
  19. G

    Bone Meal

    Bone meal takes time to break down properly in the soil for the plant to digest, so top dressing with a teaspoon won't show effects immediately -- even with watering. Usually you'd mix it in with the soil prior to filling the pot (some people even mix the soil and leave it for a week or two...
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    2700k or 6500K CFLs for Autoflowers?

    The vegging period is about 2-3 weeks (depending on variety), and the Daylight (6500k) prevents stretching. Without the 6500k during veg, the plant will keep stretching 'looking' for sunlight. I grew a Lowryder 2 (see my sig for picts) using 2x Soft White (2700k) and 2x Daylight (6500k) to...