Can seeds grow without germinating


Well-Known Member
Hello I had four seeds I germinated last week and they all sprouted. Two of them had only very little root poking out opposed to the other had a good quater inch. They are all in soil under cfls and the 2 with the best roots popped out already. Soo I was wondering if I put the other 2 in too soon.:lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
seeds growing or sprouting root is germination. the other 2 might just be a little slower but if they have a root poking out they are good. be patient and they will give you plants


Well-Known Member
seeds growing or sprouting root is germination. the other 2 might just be a little slower but if they have a root poking out they are good. be patient and they will give you plants
as crazy as it sounds this info is correct :leaf:


cacmal is correct.

The term "germinate" just means to sprout and grow. In seed terms, this applies if the taproot emerged. Now you need to tend to them so they continue to grow and thrive. Watch your pH balance, don't overfeed with nutrients, and sing them to sleep every night... that's the secret to happy plants. ;)

Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
It's definately not too soon, you can germinate a seed in soil believe it or not... but as the others stated you're good to go. You will have plants soon enough...