Religious Nutt Jobz


Well-Known Member
We must defend America and the rest of Humanity! They may come it all Shades Shapes and Sized but we must prevail. They are more capable than we have previously expected, it appears they have learned to type, and Lurk among our community here on RIU. We must be as vigilant against these Trolls.. .They are ignorant, Common sense cannot phase them so I ask that all of you watch over one another & stay alert.. . these are unintelligent times we live in..

What I am about to show you is not for the faint of heart.. .[video=youtube;fPY_xWci9AA][/video]

Michael Sparks

Active Member
Obey!! HAHA Naw for real.. its all bullshit anyway those that murder in any name are all still killers, we perpetuate hate and violence and then have the audacity to emotionalize with the families, we all walk our own path, we make our own choices.


Shirley Phelps-Roper is the media spokesperson for Fred Phelps' church/cult, Westro Baptist Church. They are best known for protesting the funerals of soldiers with their picket signs proclaiming all type of psychotic babble.

However, the whole lot of them aren't insane, proving that there is always hope. Fred Phelp's son, Nathan Phelps, is a public speaker and author dealing with issues of religion and child abuse.

If you think this interview is bad, you should read his account of his childhood. "Horrific" does not begin to describe it.


Well-Known Member
We must defend America and the rest of Humanity! They may come it all Shades Shapes and Sized but we must prevail. They are more capable than we have previously expected, it appears they have learned to type, and Lurk among our community here on RIU. We must be as vigilant against these Trolls.. .They are ignorant, Common sense cannot phase them so I ask that all of you watch over one another & stay alert.. . these are unintelligent times we live in..

What I am about to show you is not for the faint of heart.. .[video=youtube;fPY_xWci9AA][/video]
Oh wow this bitch should be sterilized and preferably her children as well.


Well-Known Member
I wish these fucks would show up at a funeral we had putting out fellow brothers to rest after a deployment. Be back in court on charge's of premeditated murder.


Well-Known Member
I didnt know people did that. That is so sad to see these retards do such things while our fellow Soldiers put their life on the line on a daily. Wish I had a crack at one of those fuckers! I have nothing but the upmost respect for our Soldiers and thank each one I meet wherwver im at...

Those people are insane!


Well-Known Member
We could have agreed on many other things, but our hostility towards each other blinds us... Oh well, thats life!


Well-Known Member
LMAO this lady is f%$ing retard!And to say that shit about our troops...shes got some tard nerve goin on,this women is so brainwashed the stupidity is literaly reaching out at your consciousness to consume you......its like taking your nails and running them across the chalkboard just to hear her talk.LMAO so returded!


Well-Known Member
Seriously.. I diddnt believe it at first.. her Eyes are crazy.. imagine her looking down on you after waking up. creepy

Michael Sparks

Active Member
Imagine she would wake you up with some oral, never mind that. Budzski! Man, what about the people these solders kill ? there are no innocent nor guilt people in war, you participate of your own free will. shit i did my bid.