Pro-Grow 260 from hydroponicshut. Anybody with experience?


Heya growers,

I'm just thinking about picking up the Pro-Grow 260, from hydroponics hut.

Looks too good to be true, but will it really grow up to 5 healthy plants through their whole cycle?

EDIT: I'm thinking about autos, so I don't need lighting that can penetrate 3-4' or anything. Most only reach 1'-2'.

Do any of you have any type of real-world experience with this model, or its siblings? (The 180 claims up to 3 plants, the 550 claims up to 10. This is the mid-range.)

Again, I only ask because it looks too good to be true. ;) Thanks!


Active Member
youd probably be able to pull an SOG with it easy. i run a haight LED and its great for what i use it for, i could only assume the pro grow series will do just as good, if not better due to the increase in white. the white light makes all the difference in the plants ability to mature faster and retain more of a uniform growth pattern, while the common sight youll see with tons of red just brings a quicker onset in flower/more stretch. those whites actually put out more blue than the plain blue diodes per watt also.