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  1. C

    NL x C99 40 Days Flowering

    sorry i forgot to add the pics. wats the best way that file attacher is being gay? i should also add that i'm growing these in 3 big totes. i had 22 plants to begin with and 11 turned out to be males and I think that I hermied but I'm not entirely sure.
  2. C

    NL x C99 40 Days Flowering

    These are the 11 plants that I am currently growing in my attic. There's like a hidden area that's just big enough to grow in They are 40 days into flowering as I mentioned in the topic title. My friend had these seeds lying around from a grow he did a couple years ago. The strain is a cross of...
  3. C

    11 Males and I want hash

    so, im gonna try the blender method sometime next week. ill let you guys know how it goes. thanks for the help
  4. C

    11 Males and I want hash

    would the blender method be good to use? if so, should i use ice or isopropyl?
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    11 Males and I want hash

    I just cut down the 11 males I had in my crop after flowering for 7 days. They all showed pretty fast and a couple had preflowers beofre I began flowering so...yea. I just cut em up to dry a lil faster. I was wondering which method would be best for making hash with males? I know it won't be...
  6. C

    Great Stoner Quotes

    so frat buddies and i are chillen at one of the members house. there are like 5 of us. getting high and drinkin. we decide to make a gravity bong in the kitchen. after we all hit it and of the guys is like we need to finish this bag of weed and the only way to do that is through this gravity...
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    Gas Mask

    my friend stole one from the Chemistry building at the college i attend (UW-Madison). the piece that connects the filter fits snugly into the opening of my bong named Walter the Rhinoceros
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    Wife tried pot last night (backfired like a mofo)

    speaking of preggo, there have been some studies about marijuana use and pregnancy. some lady did research in Jamaica and found some interesting results. I dont remember the name but when I looked it up she was one of the few people that had info on it. I believe she was/is a professor at a...
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    On the job toking

    i work for a cafeteria here at the college i attend and i go in to work high as shit all the time. cuz its a student job the shift is only 3 hours so sometimes im still high when i leave. for a while i would walk the 10 minutes to work and smoke a joint to myself. some mistakes but they are ones...
  10. C

    Wife tried pot last night (backfired like a mofo)

    food for a newbie is no good cuz they are gonna wonder what the hell just happened an hour later. drinking and smoking can be terrible too if you have had way too much. ive had friends who come back to my house after a party to get the bong rollin and they die after a hit or two cuz of the...
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    when, if ever will you stop? (toking)

    i think i'll calm down when I have kids but that isnt gonna be for awhile considering i'm in college, but when they get old enough to smoke, 18 or if they start themselves before then, i'd like to show them the ropes instead of some randos in the streets
  12. C

    Amusing names for weed.

    my dad calls it 'hooch' but he's old school been doing that shit since the 60's, one of my friends like to use the term 'chicken nuggets' and i like to cal it murrijuana
  13. C

    You know you're a pothead when:

    you know you're a pothead when a good friend tells you he has never seen you with your eyes fully open
  14. C

    Plants in danger of freezing, Help!!

    i'm just gonna move them into my closet. now.
  15. C

    Plants in danger of freezing, Help!!

    i'd like to start off that i at the time of writing this i have been awake for 36 hours. this is because I am a college student in the middle of finals. I had to pull an all nighter to study for this philosophy of religion exam. on to the plants: a. i know i need pictures, i don't have them...
  16. C

    Anyone here have dreads?

    well, i am 1/4 black and 3/4 white. my skin is tan but my sisters is all white and we have the same parents. my hair was curly and dreaded so easily. i didnt even start tokin till about 3 months in.
  17. C

    Anyone here have dreads?

    Anyone on this site have dreads? I've had mine for about 27 months and they are about shoulder length. Also, i'm a junior at UW-Madison. holla:bigjoint:
  18. C

    pink hair bud update with better pics

    the same thing is happening to my bud too! im in wisconsin growing in my attic which has no insulation which is horrible and im too poor for a heater so the temp up there is about the outside temperature. (sorry, im high and i ramble when im high) so i think the culprit is the cold...but the...
  19. C

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    how did the harvest go???!!!
  20. C

    What is your most prized possession?

    my guitars most definately. Elenor is an Epiphone Limited Edition Transparent White Wildcat with Gold HArdware and a Bigsby vibrato.