On the job toking


Active Member
impossible for me because iwork for my pops even then once ihave a session at 9am in the morning most likely ill be bunning the whole day lol

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
I work from 11 at night to 730 in the am..and i also work just stock onto shelves all night so im always blazed straight outta my head afta every break im tokin
fuck yes, same here, live it.

I have total confidence in my motor skills while high.


Active Member
i work for a cafeteria here at the college i attend and i go in to work high as shit all the time. cuz its a student job the shift is only 3 hours so sometimes im still high when i leave. for a while i would walk the 10 minutes to work and smoke a joint to myself. some mistakes but they are ones that everyone makes so no one notices. sometimes a buddy and i will get baked together and go in stoned out of our minds. also, if im working a double ill toke a lil on the break in between. there is also a civil service worker (regular person dude) that comes in high too and we always talk about weed and shit. He also makes me some munchie food if he has some time when I start. one of my coworkers calls me Stony McPot. although I dont think the dreadlocks help. lol

all the supervisors are students and cool as shit and know im high and no one cares. either that or they dont know. some of my best friends cant tell if I'm high or not. its only when i smoke like 2 or 3 bowls in a row is when i get stupid.


Well-Known Member
I alwayz go 2 work blazed and get blazed at work it also serves as a great place 2 unload a harvest, I work at a grocery store in produce its great