What is your most prized possession?


Active Member
my guitars most definately. Elenor is an Epiphone Limited Edition Transparent White Wildcat with Gold HArdware and a Bigsby vibrato.


Well-Known Member
This is my most prized possession it was a engagement gift from my girlfriends and my parents. Sorry for the shit pic I took it with my camera phone, I don't know where my camera is and the misses is away on vacation until next weekend.
Its only yours till you get divorced , Then it will be "hers" and you'll still be paying for it .. pretty house though..


Well-Known Member
my secret jardin dark room and its guts are my most precious possesion.. but with out the wife and doggies it wouldnt mean shit


Well-Known Member
Its only yours till you get divorced , Then it will be "hers" and you'll still be paying for it .. pretty house though..

Yeah pretty much tho this is not something we have rushed into we have been together a while and it just seems like the logical course of action. Plus 99% of women have been planing their wedding since birth lol She puts up with all my shit I think she can have her big day :)

And I guess its pretty our parents picked it out we didn't have a say in the matter. Its a but big for our taste. there is way to much space. Like seriously there is only me and her what the hell do we need all this room for? I think our parents are hinting at something.......

And in the off chance something happens I wont pay anything for it they bought it outright we own it free and clear


Well-Known Member
I am not spoiled that much really. I still work hard I am not like a spoiled kid you see on TV. Growing up I always had to work for what I wanted nothing was just handed to me. Hell when I wanted my first car I had to save up 75% of the cost myself and even then I ended up with a POS lol


New Member
I am not spoiled that much really. I still work hard I am not like a spoiled kid you see on TV. Growing up I always had to work for what I wanted nothing was just handed to me. Hell when I wanted my first car I had to save up 75% of the cost myself and even then I ended up with a POS lol
a house like that here in the states costs millions..... both you and your fiances parents must be loaded with money....... daaaamn..... im just jealous bro....kudos for you....


Well-Known Member
likely story, with that amount of money I think your parents may have had you educated to the point where you wouldn't use terms like the misses and ''it was a engagement...'' surely it was AN engagement present?