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  1. kangdark55

    Marble chips for light reflection

    best thing to do is put 2 inches of white sand around your plant not only does it reflect light but you wont have any bugs or gnats coming up through your soil as it forms a crusty top when dry. this was a very big help to me for pest control, now i have no pests prevention is better than the cure
  2. kangdark55

    60 Day Wonder x ???

    i just grew 60 day wonder from dna genetics and it hardly smelled at all i dident need any carbon filter on and dident smell it anywhere in my house, it is however very potent and knocked me on my ass! and am a wake 'n 'bake kinda guy i smoke everyday. it was throwing out white pistols as a...
  3. kangdark55

    Need some advice! how long do you think? My first autoflower grow...

    its autoflower when the plants go's into flower without switching the lights to 12/12 in other words it will flower no matter what light cycle you are on, if you find one not going into flower and youve given it ample time too you might want to switch the lights to 12 hours a day to make in...
  4. kangdark55

    600w and 400w Big bud grow house and graden 6 weeks in MUST SEE!

    are you still with us skatus? bump bump
  5. kangdark55

    Need some advice! how long do you think? My first autoflower grow...

    not bad dude good grow my advice would be to LST your next plant, just tie down the main cola so all bud sites are same height that way you will yield alot more. as for when its ready it looks like it needs 2-3 more weeks yet all them big white hairs will fill out with bud and start to turn...
  6. kangdark55

    600w and 400w Big bud grow house and graden 6 weeks in MUST SEE!

    wow man they look like beasts! any chance you could give me a brief smoke report on these as am thinking about them for my next grow. what kinda yield was the end up mate?
  7. kangdark55

    Big bud strain ????

    as LVTDY says i was wondering if they were autoflowers and also do they really make bigger budz than normal or is it just hype? and travs they are indica plants and big bud is the strain they are no whites or cheese
  8. kangdark55

    Big bud strain ????

    i have a few sensi seeds big bud i got free with an order and was looking for any info anyone had on them like how they grow and smoke report ect. also its says normal on them so ill have to pick the males out but are they autos or photo do you know?
  9. kangdark55

    Plant is drying out!

    you should not spray the plant when the lights are on cause the water sits on the leaves and gets burned into them thats why u spray when lights go out, its most likely heat issue or nute burn i wouldn't feed it nutes every watering only every second time or so, give it a good watering with...
  10. kangdark55

    so called autobloom plants

    sounds like an achiveable yield but again i have no idea where in the world you are so i cant say how strong your sun is for example i was reading a guy from OZ growing outdoor getting 25 oz's per plant outdoor i doubt you have that kinda sun tho
  11. kangdark55

    125 W CFL support 3 plants?

    i keep my cfl no more than 1-2 inches away. they can almost touch your plant as long as you have airflow between the canopy and the bulb, i would not be keeping my cfl 6 inches away unless i wanted airy budz
  12. kangdark55

    so called autobloom plants

    every strain is different what strain is it? around 70 days from seed most are. some less some more, as for yield without any details of your lighting and what times your running them i couldent tell you, you could have a 125watt cfl or a 1000 watt hps results can be very different
  13. kangdark55

    125 W CFL support 3 plants?

    i use a 125watt cfl for one plant then 250watt cfl for flower on one plant, i have done two plants in the same lighting but find the buds to be airy and not very dense you will need to lst or all you will get is popcorn buds below the top
  14. kangdark55

    has any body used the bio-buzz products

    do you mean bio-bizz? thats what i use bio-bizz grow and bloom i use with no problems seems to be quite good, i have grown a few autos and the least for smell so far has been Flash Cobra and another good non smelly stain is dna genetics 60 day wonder both are medium yielders the highest yield...
  15. kangdark55

    seeds wont sprout

    dont put any seed in any water even for only 24 hours unless the seeds are over 3 years old there is no need for it, place 1/2 inch under soil and keep moist under a light until it pops
  16. kangdark55

    100% stable autoflowers

    Ive tryed lowryder2 from joint doctor very stable and great yield and flavor, also ive done flash cobra very knock out indica with medium yield, and am almost finished a DNA genetics 60 day wonder but cant comment of flavor or high yet but seems to be a medium yielder, next up for me is big...
  17. kangdark55

    Herbies discount code?

    I cant leave you hanging any longer lol, they sometimes have a 10% off code SEEDS but i think this is now not running and instead if you spend over 100 they give you 10% off
  18. kangdark55

    Question about bugs / insects / gnats in soil. [UKGROWER]

    you can kill them all very very easy this is one of the best growing tips i have gotten and now i do it every grow, get a bag of white sand in any DIY store and put a good inch or two of sand at the top of your soil make sure to cover all soil, now after you water sand will turn hard and keep...
  19. kangdark55

    LOW RYDER easy ryder

    do not put autos on 12/12 unless you like waiting longer for no reason. keep them on 18/6 and i dont know how they would react now if you switched them to 18/6 you might just have to keep them 12/12 lesson learned tho i hope