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  1. kangdark55

    A germination question.. reply please guys.. needed info

    dont bother to soak your seeds unless they are over 3 years old there is no need for it, just put your seed into the soil about 1/4 inch down and cover with soil and keep the lights on 24/7 for the first 2 weeks until they have passed the seedling stage them start them on a 18/6 timer until...
  2. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    ahh man am so sorry that sucks balls! why would any retard do that to a few harmless plants? they should go raid the pubs of booze instead. when will people wake up and see things for themselfs rather that just believe the brainwashing. try dna genetics 60 day wonder mine is coming on really...
  3. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    well any further progress mate? a bit of good weather this week should help
  4. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    it must be 10 years since theres been a really good summer here, i wouldn't worry about a little purple it can happen plants sometimes. it happens if they are a little cold which there probably are at night.
  5. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    they look good to me mate, its just a case of not much sun for fast growth, i would advise you try and get a indoor setup even its only for 1 plant in a spare wardrobe, that way you'll not be waiting and waiting for sun so you can get a smoke. but for now i would just leave them to grow for...
  6. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    yeah i would find the last two weeks to be the most rewarding, that's indoors tho am sure it wont be much different for the outdoor plant, i just finished 2 flash cobra's indoors and they have a lowryder2 in the gene and it tastes almost like lowryder2 but more indica quite a good plant for...
  7. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    yeah they will keep on trying to form bud around the main cola, they are just gonna take alot longer outdoor than indoors cause theres not as much light but they will keep getting better, did you give them bloom nutes? its a little hard to tell with that camera put pic2 allmost looks like it has...
  8. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    relax dude they aint gonna be done for a few weeks at least, most of the growth in the budz will come in the last two weeks of flower she looks to be only flowering for a week
  9. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    i dont see why not maybe even more cant wait to see next weeks pics then we will have a better idea. happy growing!
  10. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    yeah budz will get bigger and more smell will come, i cant believe how well they are coming on i really cant! i think ull have a nice yield for very little work outdoors!
  11. kangdark55

    Tuna Kush

    yeah ive had budder too mate it is great just a little smeared onto a paper then roll a j with it and lay back and watch the stars for 2 hours!
  12. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    No problem mate, ive gotten so much help and info on here its only right i help back. yeah i would start with that and see how the plants take it, then up it another little bit. a little tip if you find the fan leaves starting to get a very dark green colour lay off the nutes for abit again...
  13. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    there wont be much of anything in the soil after 8 weeks and another 3-4 weeks to go. feed every second watering lowryder2 can take nutes better than any other auto ive grown and dont worry about root hormones, less is more sometimes and until you have a few grows under your belt and understand...
  14. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    hey robbie i see you have been reading when you are talking about flushing. just my 2 cents but you are using bio bloom same as myself, this is organic and has no harsh chemicals. i have found you do not need to flush when using this, i have tested flushing and not flushing and can tell no...
  15. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    they look good, taller is better because the taller the plant the more bud sites there will be. however if its tall and not getting enough light you will have alot of popcorn buds low down on the plant, i would give them a little bloom nutes now just 1/4 of what the bottle says or even less and...
  16. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    i would expect at least another 4 weeks or more because they are outdoor if you feel you want to give nutes start off using 1/4 strengh dont give them what the bottle says
  17. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    wow they are really coming on well compared to the pics at the start.your gonna be seeing bud flowers popping out everywhere soon, if they keep growing well like this your yield will be going up also good job man.
  18. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    yeah i would get slug pellets rather than put salt around the soil as am sure salt wont help them grow any when it gets washed down into the roots, id say they are only in the early stages of flower and it may take longer outdoors than it would indoors. mine was about 70-75 days indoors but it...
  19. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    i may or may not be in Ireland
  20. kangdark55

    Outdoor LR2 Grow UK

    slugs on weed! they could make a movie about that shit! i cant wait to see how they plump up in the next few weeks, i think i might have to drop a few outside next year