seeds wont sprout


Active Member
just woundering ,i have had my seeds in water for 2 weeks and they havent sprouted, will they still be ok ,and can i clean them and move them to diff system or will they be to far gone ,thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
two weeks then its no good. normally i wait about a week to see if they sprout if not then theyre duds.


Active Member
i have had a mate start the same seeds i have he had 100% sucess rate with them, so is it still posible i can change them method and they will still germ????


Active Member
Are you doing a DWC? I'm new to this but am not a fan of water germination. The seed needs to be able to exchange gasses with it's atmosphere.

Maybe next time if your really concerned about the seed soaking up water (it's an old seed perhaps) soak some for a few hours, remove them and sow right to soil. Or do the paper towel method. I'm not a fan of that either as if you miss the right time the root can bind to the towel and you either have to leave a piece of towel or damage the tap root to get it off.

I've done all 3 ways just to see which I liked best and I found germinating them in soil was easiest and most fruitful.



Active Member
You left seeds in water for 2 weeks? They're done. Don't let seeds soak more than 24 hours, or they will get too wet, suffer oxygen deprivation,and rot


RIU Bulldog
What do you mean in water for two weeks????
Usually you want to soak for 24 hours at the most. The water actually suffocates the seed causing it not germinate. One of the three things a seeds needs to germinate is air man. I'm sorry. I hope you didn't pay too much for them. Better luck next time for sure. Just soak them for 12-24 hours next time and stick them in a moist medium, and keep it moist (not soaking) until they pop. Should pop in 2-10 days.


dont put any seed in any water even for only 24 hours unless the seeds are over 3 years old there is no need for it, place 1/2 inch under soil and keep moist under a light until it pops