so called autobloom plants


Well-Known Member
was given a few seed last month.was told they were autoflower.i planted 4 weeks ago .now 18inches to 2 foot and starting to bud how long usually for autoflower?4 weeks --6 weeks ? what could i expect to get from a 20 inch plant?


every strain is different what strain is it? around 70 days from seed most are. some less some more, as for yield without any details of your lighting and what times your running them i couldent tell you, you could have a 125watt cfl or a 1000 watt hps results can be very different


Well-Known Member
no inside light---using gods lamp outside ---has really jumped in a week . week 5 and hairs are all over top probably 20 inchs or so tall.6 sets of leaves
--starting to throw short limbs.had a male in group and stupidly i pulled it up-----should have made seed for later---KICK ME IN THE ASS please---hope for 20 or 30 grams each plant --3 all together


sounds like an achiveable yield but again i have no idea where in the world you are so i cant say how strong your sun is for example i was reading a guy from OZ growing outdoor getting 25 oz's per plant outdoor i doubt you have that kinda sun tho