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  1. Spleefmeister

    Class Action on Walmart.. Will the Supreme Court rule in favor of the Working Woman?

    Just a bunch of liberal hooey-let's crush evil Walmart. how dare they resist unionization-we'll teach them!!
  2. Spleefmeister

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    ummmmmmmmmm-YES HE DOES.
  3. Spleefmeister


    Thank you, weed-smoking Panda, I knew you'd bite. To answer your asinine query (where have you been since I first posted on this topic?) "What does the nuclear crisis have to do with the character of the Japanese?": It is called payback for Nanking, you know...KARMA!
  4. Spleefmeister

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    Why won't he show the original?
  5. Spleefmeister

    Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

    Dear Gazer: I have a problem with people like you spreading lies and propaganda as fact. Amazing how you pass off these groundless opinions as truth: "The fact is that police arrest and incarcerate blacks more frequently for a crime whites are guilty of nearly as often. " Even you...
  6. Spleefmeister

    Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

    I get such a laugh when I see sheeple who've bought into this propaganda: "Laws that are effectively racist persist: sentencing differentials between crack and other cocaine, harsher sentencing for drugs within a mile of a school (which make all drug sentencing in cities harsher because...
  7. Spleefmeister

    Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

    Might I respectfully suggest you and the rest of the racist liberals on here are paranoid loons who care more about being a victim and worrying about what other people think of them than lifting yourself up through work, education and ethical morals.
  8. Spleefmeister

    How Many Millions Will Our Government Be Willing Next?

  9. Spleefmeister

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    "And they were not Black. " AND NEITHER IS B.O.!!!! He is a Mulatto!
  10. Spleefmeister

    The Battle Rages On: Class Warfare.

    Hey, whatever happened to the liberal loon that threw this grenade in the first place?
  11. Spleefmeister


    "Wow.. The karma of it. Earlier this year friends were so mad at the Dolphin kills and I too had negative energy for that. Id never wish this on Japan but there is the Karma aspect to consider. " WHA...WHA...WHATT!!! You mean I get BF'd for suggesting this might be payback for...
  12. Spleefmeister


    What happened to all the accolades and praise of the Japanese peeps!?
  13. Spleefmeister


    The people in Katrina were almost ALL welfare recipients and had the mentality of a victim way before Katrina showed up. And victims do nothing but expect others to come and help them. They do nothing for themselves. The Japs, OTOH, while much more socialist then this nation, still understand...
  14. Spleefmeister


    Don't make me come over there!!!
  15. Spleefmeister


    HA HA HA HO HO HO HO, HA HA ...AHHH...:hug:
  16. Spleefmeister


    Oh, and by the way, Fab One, you hag, you can gargle my sack!!
  17. Spleefmeister


    You guys are so funny!! It's been real and it's been fun but it ain't been real fun! Ya'll are so easy too. I got my first bite in only a few minutes after popping up!!! SO GULLIBLE-HA HA HA HA HA!!! See ya again, soon!
  18. Spleefmeister


  19. Spleefmeister


    :shock: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: