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  1. S

    Light Problem please help beginner grower

    From what I've read on here I don't think miracle grow soil is the way to go. As for lighting in your flowering closet, I'd say maybe a 250 watt HPS. That should be enough for two plants
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    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    Thats some good lookin colas. Especially the first pic on your last post :)
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    First Autoflower Grow Question

    From what I understand you should aim for about 100 watts per plant, so yes 4 should be enough :)
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    my 8-10k watt kush grow

    Thats a nice harvest you got there ham congrats :)
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    my plants got eaten :( need help with Q

    Sorry mate I'd say they were goners. But on a happier note, Welcome to RiU :D
  6. S

    Autoflower, sativa and indica, mostly and whatever..

    Also Indicas tend to be smaller bushier plants where as sativas tend to grow taller.
  7. S

    How much do you smoke a week??

    Probably about an oz a week but my buddys are round most nights so it's not all to myself :)
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    Ready.. Steady.... GROW ! .... Vento's First Grow journal 18/06/10

    Lookin good V can't wait to see how your POG finishes.
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    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    Looking good man, big thumbs up I say, 'Scribed for end results :)
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    How long does it take for a seedling to sprout through the surface????

    From what I've read on here you should be watering maybe like once every 3 days.
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    How long does it take for a seedling to sprout through the surface????

    I could be wrong but I think you might have over watered it.
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    Ready.. Steady.... GROW ! .... Vento's First Grow journal 18/06/10

    Just realised I hadn't 'scribed, its all good now though :D
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    Hello - Newbie here having a go with Bubba Kush

    Ah I get it now, was probably too baked to read it properly last night.
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    Hello - Newbie here having a go with Bubba Kush

    Dont mean to be rude but 26/6 for light cycle, where did you get that idea? I was under the impression that light cycles had to add up to 24 hours
  15. S

    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    Wow sounds good, I might give that a go. Have you tried it personally?
  16. S

    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    Lookin great, I saw a couple pages ago you were thinking of making tincture with the trimmings. Forgive me if I sound dumb but whats tincture?
  17. S

    What can I do with a male!

    collect the pollen and use it for breeding maybe?
  18. S

    my first time growing indoor cannabis lot of pics and +rep for anayone who post :)

    looks like i got here just in time, subd :D