First Autoflower Grow Question


Active Member
I'm going to be growing A single northern lights autoflower plant at a time (I live in a one bedroom apartment so growing more isn't really practical) should 3 or 4 26 watt CFLs be enough to get the plant through from seed to harvest? I've read enough to understand 6500K and 2700K spectrums and will change it between the (albeit short) short vegetative stage and flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
an auto northern lights under cfls... if you don't mind a 10g max yeild then you're good. its a low odor strain, very resilient to mildew and pests, just keep it fed and it will be fine.


Active Member
Like I said this is my very first grow, in the near future i plan on buying a small HPS, I'm more looking for experience than yield.