my plants got eaten :( need help with Q


hey guys
i just recently started growin here in oz and i was in hospital for a couple of days so i couldnt keep an eye on my plants and well i came back to find my plants had been eaten and about an inch was left of the stem. my plants were about a foot tall with the stems about 15mm thick. is there any chance that anything can still grow from the remaining stem? theres no leaves left so im guessing they are pretty much goners. i started germinating seeds as soon as i found them so the next lot will definately have some kind of animal barrier around them. the stems are still green so it looks like they were only freshly eaten(past day or so) but i figured id ask on here anyway. any help would be much appreciated



Thanks. yeah i figured they were. im gunna leave them out in the sun anyway and see whats happens. no harm in tryin. not expecting any result though


Well-Known Member
might be worth investing in some wire mesh to surround the plants for the future, saves them getting munched on again