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  1. MastaRastaa

    need some help, any advice?

    ill see if i can find it at the store while im getting everything else thanks upthearsenal
  2. MastaRastaa

    need some help, any advice?

    this helped alot, thank you, i had some problems already, i dont know whats eating my plant but, every time i go check my plants i see at least a new spot that has been eatin, when it sprouted, a few days later. when it had it full set of leaves, one of them i could tell was bitten off, and half...
  3. MastaRastaa

    need some help, any advice?

    jondamon- thanks, the soil where im growing is always dry unless it rains, what type of neem oil should i get, and where could i get it also? upthearsenal- it is a bag seed so i dont know, was dont bug me cheap?
  4. MastaRastaa

    need some help, any advice?

    alright thanks, it doesnt matter how big the hole is, does it? and spinosad is also Monterey Garden Insect Spray. but if you have any other suggestions about a spray, it would be help full.
  5. MastaRastaa

    need some help, any advice?

    Later today im going to put them in the ground but since it cost to much to buy 8 5gallon pots, will plastic garbage bags work? their are so many bugs in ground that ate my plant before, i wanted to use something that would seperate the soil that i bought with the soil already in the ground...
  6. MastaRastaa

    need some help, any advice?

    Hey, i need some help and advice if anyone can give it to me. my plants are root bound, i realized i had to small of pots and its been about a month and they are about 5 to 6inches tall, if i repot them will they still grow, even though it stunted its growth? comments and suggestions will help...
  7. MastaRastaa

    When does flowering start in Illinois?

    thanks, it helped alot
  8. MastaRastaa

    When does flowering start in Illinois?

    Does anyone know when flowering starts in IL?
  9. MastaRastaa

    When should i start feeding molasses to my plants?

    Thanks for responding put updates of your plants, im curious to see how yours will turn out too.
  10. MastaRastaa

    When should i start feeding molasses to my plants?

    Thanks, im a noob and just want to see what is the best method of growing for my next grow, does molasses make a big different when you used it? how did your buds look after harvest when you used it?
  11. MastaRastaa

    When should i start feeding molasses to my plants?

    This is an experiment i am trying, and read that it can have a sweeter taste, add weight and girth to my buds should i start it right when flowering starts, or 2weeks into flowering? comments and suggestions are welcomed.bongsmilie
  12. MastaRastaa

    How they lookin?

    two plants are bagseeds from some dank i got, and the rest i got from swag weed.
  13. MastaRastaa

    How they lookin?

    will elevating it just like a foot protect it from some bugs, n what pesticides is best to use, and what should i do if animals such as a fox comes by the plant?
  14. MastaRastaa

    How they lookin?

    Nice plants man. do you know why mine are growing as quickly as yours?
  15. MastaRastaa

    How they lookin?

    thanks all, do you think oscomote nutrients will work when i start feeding them?
  16. MastaRastaa

    How they lookin?

    no thats just another plant i put in there for now until i get the other pot, im getting it tonight and transplanting it into the same type of soil tomorrow. do you think it will be bad if i build something else to keep it elevated, in a spot the no one can see
  17. MastaRastaa

    How they lookin?

    the medium is soil, its called pro mix ultimate organic mix. thanks for commenting so quick. should i put them in the ground, or on top, or should i leave them elevated
  18. MastaRastaa

    How they lookin?

    My plants are 13days old havent gave them nutes yet, they are unknown strains. when should i feed them nutes? how do they look so far? please comment and some adive will be helpful
  19. MastaRastaa

    Topping question

    im gonna try Lst, topping, fim, and super cropping on one plant. you think it will be a massive grow or just a regular one?
  20. MastaRastaa

    Topping question

    thanks, im gonna experiment with all of them for this year, and see which will produce the most buds for me!