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  1. MastaRastaa

    Need Protection for my plants, any suggestions?

    i saw a fox back their 2times but thats it, should i get chicken wire to surround my area or should i just set up thorns around my area?
  2. MastaRastaa

    Need Protection for my plants, any suggestions?

    i know that their are ticks, some ants, alot of different types of spiders, mosquitoes, ill post some pics of my area tomorrow.
  3. MastaRastaa

    Topping question

    i think im going to do taht only because if i top my plants i would want to start in april so i could keep topping til flowering time, and for the LST, how does it work, i only have about a month til flowering i think, i just want the best for my plants
  4. MastaRastaa

    Topping question

    what i have read, ya it should give you more yeild. ya, IL. do you think my plant will be strong enough to hold buds by then? thanks all!! appreciate it alot, im anxious to see my plants when its harvest time!!!!
  5. MastaRastaa

    Need Protection for my plants, any suggestions?

    I dont know what i should do for my plants i dont have them in the ground yet, i need some good protection from alot of bugs anything that you think will work the best for me?
  6. MastaRastaa

    Topping question

    how long do you think it will take to grow 6 nodes? about a month? i read that 12/12 cycle will start on aug. 18th not sure if that is right
  7. MastaRastaa

    Topping question

    i started late on growin my plants are about 1inch tall, wondering when is the latest i can top them, and when is the earliest i can top (outdoors grow) im a new to growin, so please be patient and help me out and some advice would be good. ill post some pics of my plants and will update every...
  8. MastaRastaa

    First time grow, need some help

    Hey! I need some help with my plants and protecting them (outdoors grow), i just put them in their pots on july 10 (ya i know i started really late) i germinated the seeds before and they already sprouted about an inch tall not sure, they are 10days old. in organic choice soil i just put some...