need some help, any advice?


Hey, i need some help and advice if anyone can give it to me.

my plants are root bound, i realized i had to small of pots and its been about a month and they are about 5 to 6inches tall, if i repot them will they still grow, even though it stunted its growth?

comments and suggestions will help alot.

for people that grow in IL, and know when flowering starts, do you think that they will get big enough in time? about 2 or 3ft tall?


Later today im going to put them in the ground but since it cost to much to buy 8 5gallon pots, will plastic garbage bags work? their are so many bugs in ground that ate my plant before, i wanted to use something that would seperate the soil that i bought with the soil already in the ground

also, if i buy spinosad, will it work to keep bugs from eating the leaves from my plant?


Well-Known Member
Yes, replant. If they are root bound then score the soil when you replant. for 5 gallon pots, I use 5 gallon painters/utility buckets. They are fairly cheap. If you are going in the ground you can just dig large holes, fill them with your soil mix, and plant, but you can also get planting bags from most gardening stores and hydro shops.

Dunno on the spinosad, sorry.


alright thanks, it doesnt matter how big the hole is, does it? and spinosad is also Monterey Garden Insect Spray. but if you have any other suggestions about a spray, it would be help full.


Well-Known Member
SPINOSAD is a great all purpose insecticide.

If the soil around your plant is constantly moist the spinosad will remain active for around 4weeks.

However when growing MJ you usually wait until it is dry before watering.

I would recommend keeping spinosad incase you get anything on your plant that you do not want.
And for a precautionary measure i would spray them down once a fortnight with some form of neem spray.

Spinosad to kill! Neem to Repel.



Well-Known Member
they should grow, what strain are they?

also, i use don't bug me by foxfarm, i use it indoors but i can be used outside as well


jondamon- thanks, the soil where im growing is always dry unless it rains, what type of neem oil should i get, and where could i get it also?

upthearsenal- it is a bag seed so i dont know, was dont bug me cheap?


Well-Known Member
I use spinosad indoors once a fortnight as a precaution and on the week i dont spray with SPINOSAD i use neem repel.

Cold pressed neem oil is the best and you can find recipes for mixing on RIU.

Einstein oil is also very good.

Neem has a natural repelent and will also kill a wide variety of pests as it is systemic it will also be absorbed by your plant and make your leaves taste bad to foliage pests.

Just search your local hydro store or google for NEEM REPEL or EINSTEIN OIL or COLD PRESSED NEEM OIL. You can usually get neem oil from alternative medicine shops or health shops.

Hope this helped..



this helped alot, thank you, i had some problems already, i dont know whats eating my plant but, every time i go check my plants i see at least a new spot that has been eatin, when it sprouted, a few days later. when it had it full set of leaves, one of them i could tell was bitten off, and half of the other leaf was gone. i keep finding these small look like a mini caterpillar but it was striped black and white and crawling on the leaves.

ill post pics if you guys want.


hey how long will flowering take if under 12/12 lighting and can i slowley decrease light to make bud more faster? plz help its been flowering for about 3 weeks and there is just hairs no bud how do i make it bud faster n more with nothing for nutes except old coffie beans and mirical grow every once in a while plz message i need advise!!!!!!