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  1. cavalettas

    Bud theives

    thank you! i have good faith in karma, i hope she does me proper.
  2. cavalettas

    Bud theives

    next year we are definitely beefing up security. a whole 6 months worth of slaving over for nothing. shame shame.
  3. cavalettas

    Bud theives

    How exactly would you go about dealing with your plants being stolen? both my outdoor sativas got kidnapped last night, some kids broke through the fence and ripped both plants from the ground. it was like a murder scene there were leaves and buds everywhere. one was about a week or two from...
  4. cavalettas

    droopy droopy haze + rep if you help me out

    too bad you cant delete posts.
  5. cavalettas

    they're all doing great! the spider mite infested plant ended up getting tossed but the outdoor...

    they're all doing great! the spider mite infested plant ended up getting tossed but the outdoor and new indoor are all looking beautiful. i'll have to update soon!
  6. cavalettas

    400w all Organic

    look good!! nice set up
  7. cavalettas

    Does Anyone Want A Really Good Painting Of A Hottie Smoking Buds? because i'm selling one :) price is negotiable within fair limits of course. i really need money for new grow/school stuff. i'm selling other paintings too, much cheaper ones.
  8. cavalettas

    why are my plants doing this again?

    exactly what happened to mine, it sounds like you've got it sorted though, also, i wouldn't really recommend feeding them while they're so young, sometime it works out great but sometimes they're so new to everything it's just overkill and they go metal and just die.
  9. cavalettas

    first coco grow, sprouts looking bad!

    could definitely be overwatered, the haze and deisel seeds i'm growing both germinated in a day and started showing leaves by 3 days in. 20 days to germinate? that's fucking ridiculous.
  10. cavalettas

    Do You Have A Favourite Beatles Song?

    good choices!!
  11. cavalettas

    I took some clones today...... +rep

    it's good if they're a bit stiff, it means they're not wilting any! you definitely don't want mush.
  12. cavalettas

    why are my plants doing this again?

    put a fan on them on low if it's getting to hot. watch it carefully, i had a seedling like that and it died the next day :/
  13. cavalettas

    first coco grow, sprouts looking bad!

    oh goodness that is very odd looking. have you considered the seeds? sometimes there are some flawed seeds leading to mutated plants
  14. cavalettas

    Do You Have A Favourite Beatles Song?

    girl, or i want you/she's so heavy
  15. cavalettas

    Super Lemon Haze.... WTF :-(

    well recognise that in not posting photos you'll get significantly less accurate answers because it's hard to judge something without looking at it. not all plants grow the same. some of the soil may have more nutrients in one pot than the other, some plants may be getting more light than the...
  16. cavalettas

    Super Lemon Haze.... WTF :-(

    do you have photos
  17. cavalettas

    What kind of girls do you like?

    IM GLAD YOU AGREE. X without a bra that shit just HURTS
  18. cavalettas

    What kind of girls do you like?

    no, big real tits need bras. learn something about women. hell, learn something about anything. not all girls are tall tan with perfect tits and perfect asses and frankly. most women need to wear bras almost all the time.
  19. cavalettas

    What kind of girls do you like?

    ew. always wear a bra. it's necessary.
  20. cavalettas

    What kind of girls do you like?

    you're meeting the wrong fat girls.