400w all Organic


Well-Known Member
Ok so I moved last night and got my basement grow room fuckin done....Yep, it looks sweet and I got my 1000w runnin and the AC built into my room now. All I used was a shit load of black trash bags and a shitload of gorrilla tape. Plants are deficient I think or maybe over vegged. Flowering in 3 days.


Well-Known Member
Should get some panda film or mylar to throw up around there instead of them black trash bags. Will help a lot with getting the most out of your light, and both are pretty cheap.


Well-Known Member
well i moved and aint got no internet here still. I removed the trashbags and made air tight room with white sided rubber roofing. Will post pics as soon as i can but it is nice. I am having a few issues though with leaves twisting under and alot of yellow leaves with purple stalks and stems. They droop bad and some leaves got small brwn burn spots on leaves. Dont think its a nute burn from only guano. Will post pics soon. Also is a ac a good enough source of inbound air? I have a 65cfm and 20cfm for exhaust. Ones on my light though to pull heat off bulb. My temps stay around 85-88 with lights on and 72-75 off with humidity in the 40s on and 53 off. My meter says ok humidity but is this ok because i forgot to mention.......im flowering today.


Well-Known Member
today I still got the twisted leaves but worse. Im wondering if its because the only inbound air I got is the AC. But I dont know. Im gonna try and tweak some shit. Im sure I got one girl. Seen her hairs last night, but shes looking bad. will get pics up soon. I need some ideas on inbound air setups in a basement.


Well-Known Member
thanks wbw. I got some more little white hairs on my lady and shes looking good up top. But the whole plant under those are twisted. It cant be heat because it runs 85-88 lights on and my lights like 2-1/2 feet away. Also now I got little brown spots on leaves of other two plants. Looks like burn but IDK. I hope I can get them under control. I think the move shocked the shit out of em. Everybody feel free to drop in some advice. Im bout to go get some pics real quick b4 lights go out.


Well-Known Member
09122010266[1].jpg09122010263[1].jpg09122010268[1].jpg09122010264[1].jpg09122010267[1].jpgOk so today is day 12 of flowering and as far as Im concerned these plants are fucked up but everyone says they be ok so IDK. I cant take very good pics because the 1000w is so bright and my camera sucks. I had to put a pair of sunglasses over the lens to take these lol. All my fan leaves stems are purple and fall off and the whole stalks are purple too. A little nute burn on some leaves I think but my single cola lady is doing far better than the topped one. I pulled one male. It was my biggest. My soil ph is at 6.8 and I feed once a week at 1/2 suggested nute strength. I fed superthrive last week and it has seemed to help some. Ive been using wardleys bullseye 6.5 for ph and it works too. I still cant seem to get these plants to grow good for some reason. The twisting dying leaves and everything else. Im guessing with bagseed its just poor genetics and what not.

Im getting ready to build my 400w vegg cab as soon as I get some fans. Im going to be growing some kiwi seeds 2 pounders and some thai SS from g13. Couple WW and thats about it. I will be growing these in either coco or a different medium which is ph buffered. Never MG ever again. I swear thats my problem now. I am still deciding on a nute line but am thinking of just staying with GH. I need to get a better AC and some better fans but in a couple weeks I will have a couple hundred bux to blow soo I be off to the hydro shop. Cant wait to grow some good genetics with good nutes in a good room.

This is my first indoor grow currently running and I must say Ive learned alot from these bagseeds. Enough to know what to do with some good beans and how to avoid plant problems. I think these genes were just poor because my conditions have always been optimal.(for the most part) But nonetheless This was meant to be a learning grow and not a super harvest anyways.

As always Im open to new ideas and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Ok Im having numerous ideas about what to grow in next. Other than hydro, has anybody had any luck in soiless grows? Im wanting to try something new. The cab I was going to use is a bit too small for a 400w MH. Plus Im gonna be running it open bulb. Im eager as fuck to get these new seeds going but Im setting up and getting this one done right. Which is why Im searching for pointers. Any ideas guys???


Well-Known Member
Ok I think Im going to be going with a roots organic grow. Now Im trying to find a good line of ferts to use. I also need to get swome better inbound air for my grow room because I think I got too much exhaust and not enough inbound air. Maybe this why my plants are drying up, IDK. Im just trying to get all angles covered before I start my good seeds.

Im currently thinking about jacks classic for fert. But Im liking the idea of using advanced because of all the available macro nutrients. Any suggestions???
Ok I think Im going to be going with a roots organic grow. Now Im trying to find a good line of ferts to use. I also need to get swome better inbound air for my grow room because I think I got too much exhaust and not enough inbound air. Maybe this why my plants are drying up, IDK. Im just trying to get all angles covered before I start my good seeds.

Im currently thinking about jacks classic for fert. But Im liking the idea of using advanced because of all the available macro nutrients. Any suggestions???
I just started to use jacks classic for ferts.I did before in the past and it was good.They are some nice cheap nutes.