I took some clones today...... +rep


Active Member
So around 930 am I took 4 clones. Doing a little experiment to see which way works better I have 2 in shot glasses (with half the stem in water) on my window ledge and 2 in rockwool in a home made propagater.

The two in the rockwool look good and decent.
The two on the ledge in the shotglasses look dead. All flopped over like dying seedlings.

I took the cuttings dipped in clonex and put them in their medium. There is added clonex in the water of the ones in the shot glasses.

Is this normal? Something I should be doing? Or are the ones in the glasses going to die if I don't change something?


Well-Known Member
It's your experiment, you tell us! put a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide into each shot glass and watch what happens....


Active Member
I transferred the ones in shotglasses to rockwool everyone is happy including all 4 of my clones now :)


Active Member
I can't find any info on this, but the cuttings are kind of stiff but still soft and moist. They look really nice and green and their leaves are spread out to catch light.

Is this normal for them to be stiff and not very flexible?


Well-Known Member
I cut 2 off my lady last night and put the cuttings in a small cup with a splash of Fox Farm Big Bloom and they look healthier than they did on the plant! I'm kind of excited to see what happens with them.