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  1. O

    Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........

    i may be wrong but last i heard thc can slow tumor growth and if this true than a tumorous patient will not become terminal as fast thus prolonging life. as for all recreational smokers they could inenvertatly slowing or preventing tumor growth. and then there is the effect on the mind as well...
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    first grow, 8 plants total, 3 fussy girls, pics

    did you ever figure out if your plants are getting micro nutrients, i do know that if your leaves are curling upward than it is over ferilized so you need to flush immeditally iwouldnt worry about the starter leave i would start flushing and make sure your plants are getting micro nutes and you...
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    Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........

    even if it was legalized there would still be plenty of money to made on it and if someone was a true drug lord that means they would have money in large amounts which means they could invest in a legitimite weed business that would come with legalization. its the smaller dealers that would...
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    Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........

    i think they understand that weed prolongs ones lifespan and lets say 7 out of 10 people smoke thus 7 out of 10 have a longer life span now if they can take that number down to 3 out of 10 than that is less years on this earth consuming resorces which they know is limited its a numbers game...
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    Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........

    we all love to get stoned, some people have certain aspect that they love such as medicinal others love the lifestyle. and some cant put there finger on it, its just pure love of the herb that has graced are presence since pre historical times. this is the question though why do certain major...
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    first grow, 8 plants total, 3 fussy girls, pics

    ive never used t5s but ido know that if u have floresents u can get really close because florecents produce way less heat. so i might go from 8 in to 5-6 in and see what happens as long as the temp doesnt go above 80-85. but 75 is ideal as a generality some strains like high heat others dont ...
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    first grow, 8 plants total, 3 fussy girls, pics

    u need to put some info down what is the medium what lights any info that pertains to your plants as far as eqiuipment and conditions will help with a diagnosis if put down all the info you can you will get help
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    We dont serve your kind here

    the only problem with being outside is if any bugs catch a ride into your grow room they can become a problen down the road when plants get big.remember not all bugs live on or feed on the plant some like to burrow in the soil and lay eggs and eat roots and all it takes is one invisable spider...
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    A couple questions from a first time grower, 21 days in.

    so if you using fox farm ocean forest and adding supplemtal fertilizer than the plants are being over feritilized. good soil such as fox farm ocean will provide all your plant needs untill it has used up all the nutes in the pot. i dont know how long it takes to use them but you will know when...
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    A couple questions from a first time grower, 21 days in.

    with leaves curling up and tips dying i would say overfertilizing but it is better have all the info present to make a informed desicion but like i said tips curling up and dying is a classic over fertilization symptom good luck
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    Hydroton hempy buckets

    yeah i know what ur sayin i wouldnt even be doing hempy buckets if i i didnt have to conserve energy right now i am usally all about dwc and have gotten great results veg growth is crazy with dwc it like you leave your room and come back the next day and shits exploded like 1-2 inches and bushed...
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    led or hps for me ?

    go with digital there legit and use less energy produce less heat and some of the newer ones have options with them they have dial a watt so if you wanted to go bigger from your 400 you dont have to buy a new ballast just a new bulb and the also have ones that have options on what strenght to...
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    Hydroton hempy buckets

    i considered doing the classic perlite and vermiculite mix but when i heard you can reuse i almost shit myself lol but seriosly any way to save$ is a good thing specially since i gotta buy clones for now and 10-15 bucks a pop it gets expensive
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    DWC bottom leaves drooping

    ph is high so the roots arnt uptaking all the nutes that are available when i do deep water culture i keep the ph @ 5.6-6.0 it hard to tell what the fertilizer situation is because ive never used fox farm but i do know that u must make sure there are macro nutes and micro nutes in deep water...
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    DWC bottom leaves drooping

    what is your ppms at what is your ph at are your roots getting enough air give me some details and i might be able to help
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    light...a painful question for the experienced growers I'm sure...

    yeah more light is a must if your gonna go cfl at least get the biggest one you can get. small ones arnt even worth the trouble. the smallest ive grown with is a 65watt cfl from home depot. but they have bigger ones now with reflectors and everything. if i was you i would get a 250 watt hps...
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    new to dwc and cant figure this out?? with pics

    what strain are you growing you could just have a heavy feeder if thats the case then u gott do more than 1/4 strenghth
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    new to dwc and cant figure this out?? with pics

    that is nitrogen definicy i would up your veg nutes.
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    who fing knows what in heyah

    wow man u opened my eyes. i have a real problems. i guess it just takes a guy that will say u know what im not going to read this post im just going to grade for grammer. u have the power to change lives. keep up with the campaign and tell me how it works out for you. if you read the written...
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    who fing knows what in heyah

    im looking for a 6-8 week strain 1 gram or more a watt preferablly an indo sativa hybrid but will consider a pure indo short and stocky is cool to but not a must i can train any body got some strains that fit the bill put it here im in cali somewere near the capital so if there is any strains...