Heres a conspirecy theory for yah..........


we all love to get stoned, some people have certain aspect that they love such as medicinal others love the lifestyle. and some cant put there finger on it, its just pure love of the herb that has graced are presence since pre historical times. this is the question though why do certain major super powers want to outlaw it. this is my theory our earth is over populated to say the least and it is sucking our resourses dry. marijuana is the number one cash crop. because of all its uses but mainly because of its healing properties. so does the world super powers/secret societys want to abolish weed because if they succed than there is that many more people not being medicated and dying earlier thus creating a smaller population without having to use the tried and true methods of war. famine. desise. nuclear war. its a way for them to control population even if its just a fraction. its a fraction that doesnt have to applied so directly. they say they are trying to save the kids but really there making indirect laws that benifit there true purpose ...........population control


Well-Known Member
marijuana is #1 cash crop because of the simple fact it's illegal and that reason there automatically puts a higher price on it. youd have to sell tons of any other crop to compare to even a pound of the finest herb. if it were legal tomorrow it could stay at number one, but i think a lot more people consume corn, beans, wheat, etc then marijuana. but it does have many uses, many which are not being utilized.
its all supply and demand. supplies are limited in a since, demand is great, prices reflect, hence making it number one. its all a numbers game and the govnt benefits more off it being illegal then legal.


i think they understand that weed prolongs ones lifespan and lets say 7 out of 10 people smoke thus 7 out of 10 have a longer life span now if they can take that number down to 3 out of 10 than that is less years on this earth consuming resorces which they know is limited its a numbers game and all they have to do is sign a piece of paperand people will not live as long

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
If I was drug lord I wouldn't be very happy if my product became devalued and freely available to anyone by becoming legalised.


even if it was legalized there would still be plenty of money to made on it and if someone was a true drug lord that means they would have money in large amounts which means they could invest in a legitimite weed business that would come with legalization. its the smaller dealers that would suffer they would be out of work

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
even if it was legalized there would still be plenty of money to made on it and if someone was a true drug lord that means they would have money in large amounts which means they could invest in a legitimite weed business that would come with legalization. its the smaller dealers that would suffer they would be out of work
That is true. It would also allow for competitors to legitimately grab a chunk of the market share.

If the drug is illegal it's value is high, if it is legal and anyone can manufacture it freely then it loses value because everyone can make and sell their own.

As a drug baron, it would be favourable if my product were to retain a high value by remaining illegal.

It would also be favourable if, as a drug lord I had a very very large army of thugs spread across my target countries who routinely embark on seek-and-destroy missions for competitors manufacturing operations and products, and then imprison them. This way I could, as a drug baron, keep competition for market share to a minimum and artificially inflate the value of my own product.
Marijuana does not expand ones life. There is no evidence that it subtracts time from ones life either, but that does not mean it prolongs it. It simply mean it does not subtract your time on Earth. So, the theory already has minor errors within, as cannabis can be used for a medical purpose, most users are using it for recreational/personal use rather then medical, & most who hold a license for medical reasons are still using it for personal rather then medical, because the hard-truth is, most people abuse the policy & get a card to make it legal, not to "heal" they're pains.

I would say 3 in every 5 people holding a card, are using it for personal reasons & obtained a card to make it "legal" for themselves. I also don't buy the fact that "You can't get one without a dr. approval so these people are suffering..." I have a card & it only took 10-minutes in-&-out of the office, $120.00 later, plus $80.00 to see me. My condition? Back pains... what was your excuse?

So, in all, I would say the government is keeping marijuana illegal for the reason that if they did legalize it, it would make them look awfully idiotic to say the least. Imagine, we legalize it, & everything these "potheads" have been saying about it not being dangerous, ends up showing on the statistics that we were right, it is harmless, it makes the government look foolish to ban it all these years, decades in fact, only to show they were wrong in they're theories, beliefs, & made up facts/lies. The government is more on protecting all the lies they have made of marijuana then they are of anything.

If the government looks as if they were wrong, & all these "studies" they supposedly performed, & all these people who were effected by marijuana, all comes up false, that none of this was ever the case, the public opinion will question what else has the government lied about? It's not like they can just say "We lied..." & they certainly can't say "We were wrong for the past however many decades in our studies..." they have no escape-goat, no excuse, it's a lose-lose situation for them. If they do say they were wrong, the public opinion then questions what else are they wrong about?

So what are they suppose to say, we lied or we were wrong...? You want to know why the government hasn't legalized it, is because of that. They have dug a hole to deep to climb out of at this point. The only way the government will allow themselves to legalize it, is if they see bigger $ signs that will basically say, "Fuck it, we lied we were wrong, who cares, look it all this green were making now..." because as much as the government hates to be wrong, they love money more.

This topic will be covered in next months issue of Roots Magazine, check us out.


Marijuana does not expand ones life. There is no evidence that it subtracts time from ones life either, but that does not mean it prolongs it. It simply mean it does not subtract your time on Earth. So, the theory already has minor errors within, as cannabis can be used for a medical purpose, most users are using it for recreational/personal use rather then medical, & most who hold a license for medical reasons are still using it for personal rather then medical, because the hard-truth is, most people abuse the policy & get a card to make it legal, not to "heal" they're pains. I would say 3 in every 5 people holding a card, are using it for personal reasons & obtained a card to make it "legal" for themselves. I also don't buy the fact that "You can't get one without a dr. approval so these people are suffering..." I have a card & it only took 10-minutes in-&-out of the office, $120.00 later, plus $80.00 to see me. My condition? Back pains... what was your excuse? So, in all, I would say the government is keeping marijuana illegal for the reason that if they did legalize it, it would make them look awfully idiotic to say the least. Imagine, we legalize it, & everything these "potheads" have been saying about it not being dangerous, ends up showing on the statistics that we were right, it is harmless, it makes the government look foolish to ban it all these years, decades in fact, only to show they were wrong in they're theories, beliefs, & made up facts/lies. The government is more on protecting all the lies they have made of marijuana then they are of anything. If the government looks as if they were wrong, & all these "studies" they supposedly performed, & all these people who were effected by marijuana, all comes up false, that none of this was ever the case, the public opinion will question what else has the government lied about? It's not like they can just say "We lied..." & they certainly can't say "We were wrong for the past however many decades in our studies..." they have no escape-goat, no excuse, it's a lose-lose situation for them. If they do say they were wrong, the public opinion then questions what else are they wrong about? So what are they suppose to say, we lied or we were wrong...? You want to know why the government hasn't legalized it, is because of that. They have dug a hole to deep to climb out of at this point. The only way the government will allow themselves to legalize it, is if they see bigger $ signs that will basically say, "Fuck it, we lied we were wrong, who cares, look it all this green were making now..." because as much as the government hates to be wrong, they love money more. This topic will be covered in next months issue of Roots Magazine, check us out.
i may be wrong but last i heard thc can slow tumor growth and if this true than a tumorous patient will not become terminal as fast thus prolonging life. as for all recreational smokers they could inenvertatly slowing or preventing tumor growth. and then there is the effect on the mind as well. how many sucidal depressed people have found confort in marijuana and got through to the next day because they a joint lifts there spirits. people with high blood presusre can lower there blood pressure on a dailey basis which lowers the risk of many medical conditions that may end ones life earlier as opposed to later this is just a few of the benifits on the body and mind. so it may not be scientificlly proven that thc and other canniboids add years to ones life. it most certainly betters the human condition in so many ways that it would be small mided to belive that marijuana is a nuetral substance that has neither positive or negitive effects. im not saying science is bullshit but i am saying that science cant explain every single moment in in this world if it could than we would be able to write an equation that expainlains the human mind and soul if we could do that then techniclly we would be able to make exact copies of selfs using a scientific equation and then when computer technolgy allowed live forever in a computer program. my conspirecy theroy may be just that .a theroy, but dont sell out the greatest herb on earth because science says so. science also said the earth was flat. nice magizine plug by the way.
i may be wrong but last i heard thc can slow tumor growth and if this true than a tumorous patient will not become terminal as fast thus prolonging life. as for all recreational smokers they could inenvertatly slowing or preventing tumor growth. and then there is the effect on the mind as well. how many sucidal depressed people have found confort in marijuana and got through to the next day because they a joint lifts there spirits. people with high blood presusre can lower there blood pressure on a dailey basis which lowers the risk of many medical conditions that may end ones life earlier as opposed to later this is just a few of the benifits on the body and mind. so it may not be scientificlly proven that thc and other canniboids add years to ones life. it most certainly betters the human condition in so many ways that it would be small mided to belive that marijuana is a nuetral substance that has neither positive or negitive effects. im not saying science is bullshit but i am saying that science cant explain every single moment in in this world if it could than we would be able to write an equation that expainlains the human mind and soul if we could do that then techniclly we would be able to make exact copies of selfs using a scientific equation and then when computer technolgy allowed live forever in a computer program. my conspirecy theroy may be just that .a theroy, but dont sell out the greatest herb on earth because science says so. science also said the earth was flat. nice magizine plug by the way.
Your examining the situation from a perspective that is to broad to narrow. Yes, marijuana can do this & that for blood pressure & tumors, etc. But what can't help you & what can't hurt you these days? It's a matter of choice. Sure, marijuana can lower ones blood pressure, thus "prolonging" life, but so can dieting right, amongst 100 other things, it all comes down to choice. Marijuana can certainly help you, but so can many other things, thus the situation is to broad to say this helps more or less.

Same goes with what can hurt you. Sure tumors can be reduced, but tumors can also be reduced by not using a cell-phone, so by not using a cell-phone we are "prolonging" life. Like I said, to broad to narrow. To many elements in life can help prolong or decrease your life span but it all comes down to choices you make. If you choose to eat healthy over Mc. Donalds you are prolonging life. Suicide & depression? Sure, marijuana can help... but many people get paranoid when they smoke & overthink situations when they smoke, therefore it is also safe to say if one is thinking suicide because they're boyfriend left them & then they light up a blunt, they can overthink the situation & commit suicide as a result to smoking. Not to mention there is too many medications that can help prolong suicide by eliminating depression, vicoden is one drug that isn't even used for depression, yet can be used for lowering depression.

So yes, I do agree with you that marijuana can "help" prolong life if your looking at it in the sense of how you are. But by going by your logic, Mc. Donalds, vicoden, alcohol, internet, sugar, dieting, cell-phones, amongst millions of more things can prolong life if the right choices are made. But the logic I am going by is marijuana does not prolong life in the sense that "If I smoke, I'll live an extra 10 years" which is what the thread-starter was going for. Not breathing increases life by not inhaling polluted air, but by not breathing it also decreases life because without oxygen you die. Depends on how your looking at the situation, but for the most part, it will not prolong life anymore then not using a cellphone.
Also note: As there is medical purposes for marijuana, I am not saying there isn't... the medical purposes aren't enough to keep so many people alive as the thread-starter is thinking to increase population so much that it would become a problem. That is more of what I am trying to say. Even if marijuana cured tumors, aids, & cancer... it still wouldn't be enough to over-populate the world to a crisis-era. Far to many people die from other things such as murder, car accidents, over doses, accidents in general, natural causes, other diseases that you never even heard of, suicide, & more on a daily basis that marijuana would not prevent so many deaths to cause a population overload. This is what I am trying to say.