DWC bottom leaves drooping

hallo every one, i have a little one growing in a DWC she is 3 weeks old has many leaves kinda staked one over another but some of the leaves on the bottom are drooping, what could cause this, also some tips are yellow. any leads


what is your ppms at what is your ph at are your roots getting enough air give me some details and i might be able to help
Ok here it is.
ph 7.6 im keeping H202 in the water and a fan circulating the air about a week ago i put 1/8 tsp of fox farm veg.
i have a large aerator stone 24/7 shes an auto so lights on 19/5 when i started i used a jiffy pellet is it possible thats the problem? the jiffy pellet is sumerged and there isnt enough air circulating the roots i do have roots in the water tho here r the pics


ph is high so the roots arnt uptaking all the nutes that are available when i do deep water culture i keep the ph @ 5.6-6.0 it hard to tell what the fertilizer situation is because ive never used fox farm but i do know that u must make sure there are macro nutes and micro nutes in deep water culture there is no nutrients except for what you give but even at this point with ph so high even if everything is presented not everything is being used also you said u added an 1/8th of a teaspoon of fertilizer did you add directly the bucket or did you premix it i always found that premixing is safer so you wont nute burn your plants. another thing is when you do make your premix use a quarter strengh of the directions or you will most likley nute burn hope this helps and good luck