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  1. N

    ripe bud with nanners

    now upon inspecting some of the bud in jars for 2 weeks now they also have these little yellow things that do resemble bananas hmmmmmm.
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    ripe bud with nanners

    so about 10 days ago i took all the big braches that were done and left the rest to finish on 3 plants. 2 of the plants finished up about a week later and were fine but the last 1 was just about to get chopped when i seen the nanners! i have 3 plants that are 2 weeks into flower in the same...
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    How to make dense buds

    ty corbat. tbls. per gallon?
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    How to make dense buds

    morning all. i have used molasses before but was my first grow so i dont really have anything to compare. but i am curious, is it ok to feed molasses with my normal nutes at the same time? btw im using rockwool formula one.
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    Almost ready?

    i got the 60-100 x microscopes from radio shack and you can see the trichs but its a little trichy! i think it might be a little too strong
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    it is getting more than 2 hours, its in a pot and i move it around wherever the sun is
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    so ive heard that wasps can be a good thing to have around your plant as they eat the other critters that are not good, but i sometimes put her right under a tree that at the moment is infested with wasps bees and flies. is this a bad idea to put her there? the sun is blasting this spot for bout...
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    question about hair coloring and harvest time

    thanks for response but like i said white to red then white again before once more turning red. this guys been growing for 40 years inside and out. this is what he tells me but ive read alot of material here on this website and have never heard anyone else say this. ive smoked his grow for years...
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    question about hair coloring and harvest time

    i was told by the person that gave me an ak47 clone that the hairs will turn form white to red and then back to white and then once again go back to red and this is the time to harvest right before they turn all the way red again and i was wondering if anyone ever heard of this?
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    100degrees + for weeks/ how much to water?

    stupid question time! what is the difference between ferts and nutes?
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    100degrees + for weeks/ how much to water?

    for 2 weeks now the only thing i have given her besides straight water is epson and that was just 1 time about 2 weeks ago i watered with rockwool formula one. the leaves were already yellowing and my buddy said i was starving and gave me a lil bit for her and i think i over did it in that 1...
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    100degrees + for weeks/ how much to water?

    ty. before the temps reached 100 consistantly i was watering every 2 to 3 days but now it looks droopy and yellowing a bit so i put 1 tbls epson and water more frequently
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    100degrees + for weeks/ how much to water?

    hi everybody, i have a 3 ft ak47 in a 7 gal bucket and it has been in excess of 100 for weeks now is 1 gallon of water per day too much?
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    Clone Question.

    hey snow im growing a clone outside and i was wondering if it can be topped the smae as grown from a seed?
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    Another newby!

    just put in new home..its a mobile home (bucket) hope she survives
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    Another newby!

    ok thanks for definition.. the leaves sometimes look a lil twisted almost like theyre struggling to get to the sunlight... i think its time to move it.
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    Another newby!

    hardening off?
  18. N

    Another newby!

    thanks again all for advice. just realized that on my original post i failed to say that this girl has been in this spot for 5 days.. just took a peek at her this morning and you can see the new growth....yea!!! prolly will move though.
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    Another newby!

    thanks for reply. i may have to put in bucket to improve and keep out of sight lol
  20. N

    Another newby!

    Hi everyone, i just transplanted a 14 inch 6 week old AK plant outside. it seems to be ok but im worried about how little direct sun it gets.. should i wait awhile and see how it does or move it right away?thanks for any help i can get.