100degrees + for weeks/ how much to water?

hi everybody, i have a 3 ft ak47 in a 7 gal bucket and it has been in excess of 100 for weeks now is 1 gallon of water per day too much?
ty. before the temps reached 100 consistantly i was watering every 2 to 3 days but now it looks droopy and yellowing a bit so i put 1 tbls epson and water more frequently


Active Member
You should actually avoid fertilizing during heat spells. The increased EC of the water makes it harder for the plant to uptake it. If it is hot for weeks at a time, make sure you wet your medium with straight water before applying fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
Heat's a mofo. Most of the water you are adding each day is mainly to cover the h2o that is evaporating from the bucket, as well as the h20 that is transpiring from the foliage.

And you can't really add any substantial nutes either. Just weak mixes, so as to maintain nutritional equilibrium. I do, however, suggest adding a mix rich in Silicon, complemented with a dash of Yucca extract. Your plant will be able to hold a little more water and withstand drought-like conditions a little better, thus requiring you to water with a little less frequency.
You should actually avoid fertilizing during heat spells. The increased EC of the water makes it harder for the plant to uptake it. If it is hot for weeks at a time, make sure you wet your medium with straight water before applying fertilizer.
for 2 weeks now the only thing i have given her besides straight water is epson and that was just 1 time about 2 weeks ago i watered with rockwool formula one. the leaves were already yellowing and my buddy said i was starving and gave me a lil bit for her and i think i over did it in that 1 feeding