ripe bud with nanners

so about 10 days ago i took all the big braches that were done and left the rest to finish on 3 plants. 2 of the plants finished up about a week later and were fine but the last 1 was just about to get chopped when i seen the nanners! i have 3 plants that are 2 weeks into flower in the same room. i have moved the plant to another room but is it ok to pick the nanners off and dispose of them and dry the plant in a different room or do i need to get it out of the house now?


Well-Known Member
if its just a few male flowers then its not much to worry about, just pick em off and try not to get a bunch of pollen on your hairs :D
now upon inspecting some of the bud in jars for 2 weeks now they also have these little yellow things that do resemble bananas hmmmmmm.


Well-Known Member
Some times these nanners cause seeds and sometimes not. I have the same thing and am just letting them go, 3 weeks to finish and no seeds so far.


Well-Known Member

Note the cluster of male flowers in center frame. If your plant has more than a few of these cluster looking bitches and you have airflow in your grow room, then you will still only have a few seeds here and there, not a big deal if you ask me. I had several of these clusters on this plant, with 4 other plants in the same room and only 1 plant was pollinated and I found about 10 seeds total. Hope this helps

