Another newby!

Hi everyone, i just transplanted a 14 inch 6 week old AK plant outside. it seems to be ok but im worried about how little direct sun it gets.. should i wait awhile and see how it does or move it right away?thanks for any help i can get.


Well-Known Member
if there is a spot where you can put it and it will be getting more light, i advise doing that
you should wait 3 days tho, if it has come form inside the bright sun may be to harsh onn it, so the partly shady spot will be good for 3 days, then move it to a maximum sunshine spot :)


Well-Known Member
if there is a spot where you can put it and it will be getting more light, i advise doing that
you should wait 3 days tho, if it has come form inside the bright sun may be to harsh onn it, so the partly shady spot will be good for 3 days, then move it to a maximum sunshine spot :)
indeed, good advice.


Well-Known Member
More light is always better. Just watch out for all the thieves out there! Make sure to have a secure spot where no one else can see it.
thanks again all for advice. just realized that on my original post i failed to say that this girl has been in this spot for 5 days.. just took a peek at her this morning and you can see the new growth....yea!!! prolly will move though.


Well-Known Member
the period between them being inside and being ok in direct sunlight is called hardening off the plant. its not advised to go from inside to maximum sun exposure right away.
ok thanks for definition.. the leaves sometimes look a lil twisted almost like theyre struggling to get to the sunlight... i think its time to move it.