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  1. 2

    Flowering Temps and Humidity.

    Thanks for the info! Is that air or rez temp?
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    Flowering Temps and Humidity.

    My rez temp got up to 82 last night and that was only a hour after the lights turned on! I quick ran and got a 10lbs bag of ice and put it in a trash bag then threw it in my rez, that brought it down to 73 but the ice melted almost right away. So after that I took apart my dehumidifier and ran...
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    Lucas Formula

    I use grow and blend in mine and they are monsters! 35 days and they're over 3ft tall. So what's the big deal about this "Lucas Formula?" Why wouldn't you wanna put grow and blend in the mix? Is Lucas just for nobs?
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    Why Does My Ph Go Up Every Day? Will I Ever Stop Adding Ph Down?

    WoW, straight out of the text book, but don't think it answers his question.
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    Why Does My Ph Go Up Every Day? Will I Ever Stop Adding Ph Down?

    Are you using tap or RO? I've noticed tap water is harder to keep stable. Btw, 850ppm seems like a lot for the first day...
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    Flowering Temps and Humidity.

    I have an Aeroflo and the rez being under the lights is the only negative I have for the whole system. You guys don't even wanna know what my rez temps were for veg! lol
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    Flowering Temps and Humidity.

    Thanks for the comments! I'm really happy with the room temp and I've noticed my girls have been taking in a lot of water. Had to top off my rez with 8 gallons just 5 days after my rez change. My humidity is going higher than 40% The high was more like 80%. Thinking about running a dehumidifier...
  8. 2

    Flowering Temps and Humidity.

    I've been looking through all the forums and can't find an answer. Does anyboby know the ideal temp and humidity range for flowering? I'm around 75 and 40% with the lights on with a rez temp about the same as the room temp. Thanks!
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    Aero Cloning 101

    I leave mine on 24/7. I'm pretty sure that's the norm.
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    Aero Cloning 101

    kushRx, What ppm is his tap to start with? Does anybody recommend foiliar spaying instead of leaving the dome on?
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    Aero Cloning 101

    Anybody can jump in... :)
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    Aero Cloning 101

    I talked to a couple of my buddies that have this same strain as I do and they said that they only get around 25% to root. I'm hopeing for 75% or better. I'm trying 3 gallons RO and 4 gallons Tap and threw 60ml of Clonex in there. Gonna see what happens. Been leaving my dome on most of the time...
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    How do i get pc fans to run of the wall sockets

    Just buy a computer power supply. Any computer store should have them or if you have an old computer laying around take it out of that.
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    Aero Cloning 101

    Do you use the timer to help control the water temp or does it help to grow roots?
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    Aero Cloning 101

    I know everybody has different ways of cloning. Just wondering where the rez temp should be at, dome on/off, pump on 24, RO water, spring water or tap, PH levels and what kind of nutes do you use for cuttings? All comments welcome!
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    Cloning Problems....Soil Mother, Aero Clones

    Two 4' fluro 6500k T-8's.
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    Cloning Problems....Soil Mother, Aero Clones

    It's Lady G. I accidently left my pump off over night so I'll have to start over :(
  18. 2

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    Glad everything is looking good now! Have you discovered any tricks yet? I just did a rez change running- 15ml/g flora, 10ml/g micro, 5ml/g bloom with 10ml/g florablend and 15ml/g hygrozyme. My ppm is around 750 ph 5.8. I'm on day 17 veg and I'm gonna flip the lights around day 21. When I did...
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    Cloning Problems....Soil Mother, Aero Clones

    Does anybody know if there's extra steps or if I need a higher ph or anything when you take clippings off a a soil plant and put them in an aero cloner? I'm running Clonex and after 12 hrs some of the clippings are turning tan but the clippings I took off my hydro setup look fine.
  20. 2

    HELP!! Leaves are curling over!! AeroFlo60.. Any input is appreciated!!

    You gotta think back on what you did to cause this. If a day or two before you bumped up the nutes and this happened, it's that. If your ppm has been at 350 for awhile then it's not nute burn. If a day or two before you sprayed for spider mites and they did this then it's from the azatrol...