Aero Cloning 101

I know everybody has different ways of cloning. Just wondering where the rez temp should be at, dome on/off, pump on 24, RO water, spring water or tap, PH levels and what kind of nutes do you use for cuttings? All comments welcome!
I keep my rez temp @ 68
I do not use a dome
I use a nft timer for my pump. 1 min on and 4 min off
I use tap water but if your water sucks really bad u might have to use spring. Try to let the cloner run for 24 hours before u put cuttings in it. That way all the chlorine gets out of the water and it can get to the right temp or at least close to it.
I keep my cloner at 6.0. I will let it go up to 6.4 before adjusting.
Clonex works good but you do not need any nutrients untill you get a decent root system.
If you are taking your cuttings off of a mom use a razor blade and cut on a 45degree angle.
I do all of these things and only once in a while do I have a cutting that doesn't root. I usually have roots within 10-14 days.

good luck. hope this helps you out.
I talked to a couple of my buddies that have this same strain as I do and they said that they only get around 25% to root. I'm hopeing for 75% or better. I'm trying 3 gallons RO and 4 gallons Tap and threw 60ml of Clonex in there. Gonna see what happens. Been leaving my dome on most of the time but 3 times a day I've been taking it off to let the plants air out. Last time I got some mold that killed a lot of them so I'm trying to prevent that. If you're not using a dome do you have the room temp pretty high? I've heard of a lot people putting an aquarium heater in their rez, don't you want your rez temp lower? Thanks!


i have a buddy who does as follows and gets roots 3-5 days and it drives me fucking crazy cause i cant! and ive done this same repeat,

fill ez cloner with tap water
add in clone-x he follows the exact directions on the bottle wich i thought was insane, and it came out to over 1200+ppm, i was like woww dood are you serious. and he swore by it, then he p/d to 6.0
then he takes his cuttings gives a 2 sec dip in some thrive-b or somthing im not sure of the name.
then he puts in cloner pump 24/7 in a 150 ez cloner.
and does a foiliar spray every 2 days of a clonex/water solution.

this works for him 100% of the time i dont understand how it does but it does. because when i tried it i was so fucking bummed about how many clones did not rooot, and i go to his house and see his clones looking all beautiful and mine look like shit i wanted to cry, so i went back to my old meathod.

fill ezcloner with distelled add veg nutes till around 120 ppm ph at 5.8.
cut clones dip in rooting gel, then put in cloner.
let the pump run 1 on 5 off.
then i see roots in about 6 days somtimes with diff strains even faster.

but i would love to know everyone oppion, help me fix what i got goin on, maybe im doing it wronge!!