Cloning Problems....Soil Mother, Aero Clones

Does anybody know if there's extra steps or if I need a higher ph or anything when you take clippings off a a soil plant and put them in an aero cloner? I'm running Clonex and after 12 hrs some of the clippings are turning tan but the clippings I took off my hydro setup look fine.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
i used tap water and took 11 clones off 5 plants. 9 rooted beautifully, and 2 have NO roots (both from the same plant; the only 2 from that plant).


Well-Known Member
some plants are harder. and i had a sick plant one time. a week after i had the same prob u did. my plant started dieing check ur plant look for signs. any idea what kind of plant it is.