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  1. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    update: have pulled down 2/3 plants (both of the sativas) both are unfortunately loaded with seeds (fucking herms!) but there is a decent amount of bud and the kief made some tasty goodies (brownies, yum) the indica is still going, running it dry now till it yellows out (did the final flush...
  2. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    bump, anybody got any idea when that indica is ready to harvest? those last pics are from more than a week ago, the main cola and heads are covered in red hairs and the THC is turning amber (from what i can see with a magnifying glass anyway) my guess is between 1 and 2 weeks, should i start...
  3. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    well the cop interest has died down (apparently) had no trouble for a month or two now my guess is that they were checking shit out because of the sheer number of noise complaints (had some gnarly events here haha) and there was a complaint about some fuckwits that came round and started...
  4. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    cops rocked up at my house last night and had a look around while me and my mates were all out.... suss shit the back door was apparently open and one of my mates up the road saw them come in, ran around the back and managed to clear all the bongs and bowls out of the house and take them...
  5. kumar420

    First time CFL closet grow.... need input from someone experienced

    looks good! i would suggest adding a few more of those 26w 6700K bulbs, probably aim for 3-4 more by the end of veg cycle i currently have 4 little hydro sprouts under 4x24w 6700K 24/0 lighting and they are loving it (planning for 8 bulbs by the end of veg) i also added a 10000K 15W T5 strip...
  6. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    its called a power surge protected adapter, and i think i got it from a hardware store or something its basically 4 surge protected outlets designed for using power tools with, but it works fairly well in that lighting setup the disadvantage is that it only has those 4 outlets, but on the plus...
  7. kumar420

    Mersh/Ditch Weed to Kush?

    its very possible that some ignorant grower didn't take care of a chronic strain and ended up with crappy buds, but just because people call it 'kush' doesn't mean it is. Kush is a specific strain of weed and you cant really be too sure unless you got the seeds from a reliable source (some...
  8. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    true, i wasnt sure what height i should flower them at since i havent really had any experience with flowering indica's, only sativas
  9. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    judging by the leaves and plant height, 2 are definitely indica dominant and the other 2 look like a partial indica/sativa combination (unless they happen to shoot up and get stretchier between now and flowering) any suggestions on vegging time left? as i stated before, cab is 5'x'2'x2...
  10. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    yeah what we have done is add another reflector right above the lights that limits the usage if the cab to about 1/2 the vertical space. I don't think i'll need to move the lights, i checked on them this morning and they are about 2.5" from the base of the globes (sprouting a new pair of leaves...
  11. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    update: removed all of the sprouts in dirt as they were looking a bit peaky (currently outside) and replaced them with germed seeds in rockwool suncoast added an 18W 10000K T8 lamp in addition to the 3 existing bulbs (won't hurt to add it in since its way above flowering spectrum) and will be...
  12. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    about 5 feet tall, two feet deep and two feet wide perfect for 2 flowering plants here is a diagram of the expected finished product (which includes a cupboard door that looks inconspicuous)
  13. kumar420

    2011 First Time CFL Grow Box

    Hey guys, this is me and a mate's first time growing indoors in a box with cfls. we are currently running 3x24w cool whites over about 12 seedlings, which will be reduced to 4-5 plants veg (and we will be adding either another 3-4 of those bulbs in the following weeks or replacing them with a...
  14. kumar420

    Hairs changing colour too early?

    well thanks for the replies and the info, i think i found the problem though! my plants just started flowering, and i've still got them on veg nutes so i decided to not follow the reccomended dosage and up the Part B of the 2 part formula to compensate for the lack of P and K in the nutes i got...
  15. kumar420

    Grow box complete- Update 2

    looks fuckin good man! just make sure the CFL's are close enough to the top of the plant ey
  16. kumar420

    Hairs changing colour too early?

    i can have pics up tomorrow VERY slim chance that it was pollinated, as soon as i saw the balls on the male i isolated it i just cut it down like 5 minutes ago, no open pollen sacks on it (flowered around the same time as my 2nd plant) i'll be keeping the leaves as joint filler though, for when...
  17. kumar420

    Hairs changing colour too early?

    i have 3 plants outside (and another 2 seedlings, but those are irrelevant) my largest plant is about a week or so into flowering, and some of the white hairs on the bud are starting to turn orange! from what i know (this is my first grow) that shouldn't be happening until the end of...
  18. kumar420

    First cupboard grow box!

    looks good man, but like i said earlier, make sure you disconnect the light wires on the fans those weak blue LED's wont do much for the plant, especially when they're on when the CFL's are off
  19. kumar420

    Outdoor growing help?

    be careful with mulch though, it makes a good habitat for bugs and other little bastards that might go for your plants start the seeds off by wrapping them in a damp paper towel, put the paper towel in a ziploc bag and stick it in a dark place for a couple of days when they have popped, you...
  20. kumar420

    Looking for help (first time grower)

    dude do you think you could hook me up with a few of those CFL's? i was gonna get a HPS but my funds are limited, haha might still get it, if i can convince the people with the funds to cough up EDIT: look up some hydroponic lights on ebay, and then go to the store pages i saw some decent 120MM...