Grow box complete- Update 2

So the box is done now and these are some pics

Im pretty sure this will work 8-)

Please critise on what I can improve on and some tips
Ps. I know the sprots are all planted together.,, my fucking brother did it and then gave em to me so meh.. but I got some more germinated and other sprouts on the way!

They are getting some tiny yellow dots.. what could this be? Nutrient burn from transplant into pot? Or lights to close I moved them away for these pics... Please help!!!

Temperature is at 28.7 degrees celcius with door shut... IS THIS TOO HOT? drops to about 22-23 with light off and fans on... CAN SOMEONE TELL ME IF THIS IS OK TEMPS???
:confused: Will be very thankful !



The sprouts are going good, they had thier first nite under the lights and seems to be ok... not much yellowing anymore and the soil is drying which seems like a good sign!

pleasee comment on the setup i got goin!

looks fuckin good man!
just make sure the CFL's are close enough to the top of the plant ey
yeh dude I know that pic looks far off the top but its for the photo.. the lights were 3 inches and showing some signs of burning so i moved them up a tiny bit, all casj now but

U think it looks better than what u expected?
I think i do ahha

dude, you don't wanna grow like 6 plants in one pot, let alone that close.

also, later, you're going to need MORE light and MORE space.

well 'dude' if you can read, the first post says that my brother planted them like that... what can i do?

OH! I know, let the plants grow a bit then attempt to separate them.. fuckin derr man
this is my sprouting box, whilst I build a bigger space

im not a noob stranger


New Member
28.7 C is around 83 F, so not ideal, but could be would want temps in the 72-78 F range for you limeys that's 22.2 to 25.5.


Well-Known Member
See a lot of folks try and start clusters of plants like that.

May I suggest something?
Take a large bottle, fill with about a pint of water and shake the tar out of it (airate it).
Now pour it over the top and let it sink in.
Then (with a spoon) seperate gingerly into 1 per pot.
Looking at what you have, be happy to get 2,,, maybe 3 from the group.
Sacrifice a few if needed. But get 2-3 into their own.
If you need to grab in groups of 2 to 3 or 4 for safe roots in a transplant,, no problem. You can thin to just one after. (cut don't pull and disrupt soil etc.)

I suggest you seperate ASAP to avoid root damage later and risk loosing all.

Just a suggestion. But I'd be on that like stink on skunkweed.

Nice beginning there!
For awhile the lights are excellent. Nothing wrong with adding as you go.
I started a grow the same way. Started small and added as needed.
On my second cab. Eventually I'll have a nursery, a veg box, and a flower cab. All part of building for continuose grow.

Good luck! Looks like a great start.